What is happening in my brain ?
(trop ancien pour répondre)
2019-03-03 22:32:31 UTC

What is happening in my brain ?

I will speak more about me so that you understand my way of doing since
it is also like my philosophy, to be more smart you have to be capable
of reducing efficiently "complexity" so that to be efficient and so that
to be more successful, but how can you do it ? you have to be able
to know about the steps that guides you into the right direction,
first i will speak about my way so that you understand me better,
first step you have to be able to "prioritize" efficiently, because
to be able to be successful you have to prioritize, so look for example
at me, i have decided to "study" more and to study more "efficiently" so
that to be more successful, but this is not "sufficient" to know,
because to be able to be efficient at reducing complexity you have to be
able to be efficiently selective of your knowledge, and this efficiently
"selective" has to adhere in its turn to the process of being
efficient at reducing "complexity", so you have to be able to select
"efficiently" "efficient" knowledge that is more "easy" to learn so that
to reduce complexity, thus you have to be able to ask "questions" to
this or that right persons to be able to be efficient at selecting your
"knowledge", next step you have to be "tenacity" at studying efficiently
and you have to study more and more and you have to ask questions to
your professors and next step after you have been able to learn more and
more you have to be able at being efficient at "reusability" of your
efficient knowledge and this is a very important step , so don't neglect
efficient "reusability" of your knowledge, this is also the steps that i
have followed and i have also used my "smartness" to be more efficient.

And about my scalable RWLocks that i have invented..

My Scalable RWLocks were updated to version 4.22

I have invented and added the following scalable algorithms of a
scalable Fast_RWLock and the scalable Fast_RWLockX that are
starvation-free and they are better than scalable Asymmetric RWLocks
that use IPIs, and they are costless on the reader side, so they are
really powerful, and they are now working with Windows and with Linux on
x86, i have tested them thoroughly and i think it is much more stable
and fast.

You can download them from my website here:


But you have to also know that i have "invented" more "advanced"
scalable RWLocks that i will try to sell to Microsoft or to Embarcadero
or to Google software companies.

My scalable RWLocks inside the zipfile above are suitable for the
following systems that have a much bigger memory bandwidth and they
are suitable for NUMA systems, look here at the following systems:


And my scalable RWLocks above, that i have invented , are suitable for
the following:

Based on Intel and Micron's claim, 3D Xpoint is 1000x faster than NAND
and 10x higher density than conventional memory (assume DRAM here). So
latency of PCIe NAND is about 100us, and 1000x faster 3D Xpoint gives
100ns, which is 2 times slower than DRAM's speed of 50ns, so this makes
my scalable RWLocks very useful for 3D Xpoint, so my scalable RWLocks
are for example very useful for Optane SSD 900P that uses 3D Xpoint and
thus they are very useful for such SSDs that use 3D XPoint and that are
used in a "scalable" RAID manner.

Read about Intel Optane SSD 900P Review: 3D XPoint Unleashed


So Stay tunned !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
2019-03-04 05:17:58 UTC
Post by Horizon68
What is happening in my brain ?
Rien. Ton cerveau est malade et en putréfaction.

MindControl etc...
2019-03-04 21:36:02 UTC
Post by Horizon68
What is happening in my brain ?
I will speak more about me so that you understand my way of doing since
it is also like my philosophy, to be more smart you have to be capable
of reducing efficiently "complexity" so that to be efficient and so that
to be more successful, but how can you do it ? you have to be able
to know about the steps that guides you into the right direction,
first i will speak about my way so that you understand me better,
first step you have to be able to "prioritize" efficiently, because
to be able to be successful you have to prioritize, so look for example
at me, i have decided to "study" more and to study more "efficiently" so
that to be more successful, but this is not "sufficient" to know,
because to be able to be efficient at reducing complexity you have to be
able to be efficiently selective of your knowledge, and this efficiently
"selective" has to adhere in its turn to the process of being
efficient at reducing "complexity", so you have to be able to select
"efficiently" "efficient" knowledge that is more "easy" to learn so that
to reduce complexity, thus you have to be able to ask "questions" to
this or that right persons to be able to be efficient at selecting your
"knowledge", next step you have to be "tenacity" at studying efficiently
and you have to study more and more and you have to ask questions to
your professors and next step after you have been able to learn more and
more you have to be able at being efficient at "reusability" of your
efficient knowledge and this is a very important step , so don't neglect
efficient "reusability" of your knowledge, this is also the steps that i
have followed and i have also used my "smartness" to be more efficient.
And about my scalable RWLocks that i have invented..
My Scalable RWLocks were updated to version 4.22
I have invented and added the following scalable algorithms of a
scalable Fast_RWLock and the scalable Fast_RWLockX that are
starvation-free and they are better than scalable Asymmetric RWLocks
that use IPIs, and they are costless on the reader side, so they are
really powerful, and they are now working with Windows and with Linux on
x86, i have tested them thoroughly and i think it is much more stable
and fast.
But you have to also know that i have "invented" more "advanced"
scalable RWLocks that i will try to sell to Microsoft or to Embarcadero
or to Google software companies.
My scalable RWLocks inside the zipfile above are suitable for the
following systems that have a much bigger memory bandwidth and they
And my scalable RWLocks above, that i have invented , are suitable for
Based on Intel and Micron's claim, 3D Xpoint is 1000x faster than NAND
and 10x higher density than conventional memory (assume DRAM here). So
latency of PCIe NAND is about 100us, and 1000x faster 3D Xpoint gives
100ns, which is 2 times slower than DRAM's speed of 50ns, so this makes
my scalable RWLocks very useful for 3D Xpoint, so my scalable RWLocks
are for example very useful for Optane SSD 900P that uses 3D Xpoint and
thus they are very useful for such SSDs that use 3D XPoint and that are
used in a "scalable" RAID manner.
Read about Intel Optane SSD 900P Review: 3D XPoint Unleashed
So Stay tunned !
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
You have a brain ?
