I must clear something
(trop ancien pour répondre)
2018-11-24 02:15:03 UTC
Hello all,

Read this:

I must clear something:

I don't think western countries have to become dictatorship,
because democracy has the "tendency" to know how to avoid and to avoid
extremism that is too violent and that is dangerous (such as neo-nazism
and white supremacism that i think is too violent). Read what i wrote
below in my political philosophy about morality and democracy to
understand more my way of thinking:

More political philosophy now..

As you have noticed i am a white arab, and i am of a gentleman type of
person, and as you have noticed i am also an inventor who has invented
many scalable algorithms and there implementations, but you have to
understand me more, as you have noticed i am also thinking and writing
political philosophy here, now i was thinking about an important
subject, and this has started by asking myself an important question
that is the following: as you are noticing, doing philosophy is also
speaking about the essence of things or processes, and doing philosophy
is a process that wants to be more rigorous, this is why i have asked
myself a question of what is the most important problem of today ?
it is like finding the essence of things or processes, so to
answer this question you have to know about the essence of morality,
and as you have noticed i have spoken about the essence of morality(
see my writing below about the essence of morality), so i said that
morality is "perfection" at best, is my definition a good "abstraction" ?
i think that it is a good abstraction, but this definition shows that
we have to be "efficient", it is also about efficiency ! so
if you are looking at our today world, there is still inefficiencies
in our today world, like being nationalism that is inefficient ! this
is why the most important thing in our today world is how to get more
efficient or efficient ! and now you are understanding me more, so
when you look at communism of China, communism of China wants to be
also communism to render people more "responsable", so communism of
China is more proactive in organizing and controling lives and even
private lives
of people, you will notice that i am not speaking about the
disavantages of communism, but here again you are noticing
that with this kind of spirit, communism of China wants to render people
more efficient ! it is about efficiency ! is this kind of spirit of
communism of China, that i am speaking about, in accordance with
morality or not ? i think it is in accordance with morality, because
this way of doing looks like the spirit of Google ! because look for
example inside Google company, you will notice that people that are
working inside the Google company are more efficient by being more
disciplined and more professionalism that takes into account technology
and science ! so i think that communism of China is doing the same , it
to have more "control" over the people lives to render there lives
more efficient and more disciplined ! it looks like the Google spirit !
and now you are understanding me more, that this is the most important
thing in today world ! we have to know how to become more organized
globally and more efficient globally by knowing how to work together
globally to become more efficient, also we have to become more efficient
as people by taking into account technology and science.

And here is again my previous writing about democracy and morality:

I will now do more political philosophy about democracy and about morality..

As you have noticed i have talked about the essence of morality,
and i have proved that morality is Perfection at best by saying the


I said in my proof before of: morality is perfection at best, the following:

"Because morality exists because we have to avoid the bad
And we have to avoid the bad by also trying to maximize at best the good
And trying to maximize at best the good is also called: perfection at best
So morality is pushed towards absolute perfection
So that to be able to solve all our problems
And be absolute happiness that is the goal
But morality of today must at least be a decent morality
To avoid desorder and violence inside the system"

I have to be more precise:

When i say: And we have to avoid the bad by also trying to maximize at
best the good

What is it that we call "good" in morality ?

A good is like we have to correct or eliminate a defect or flaw , and
being morality is correcting and eliminating the defects or flaws so
that to attain reliability or flawlessness (you have not to read it out
of context of my above proof), because in morality we have to maximize
at best the good and minimizing at best the bad, that means also that we
have to maximize at best reliability so that to attain flawlessness ,
and this is called perfection at best since from the following
definition: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/perfection
perfection is also called freedom from fault or defect that we call:

Also i said above that:

"But morality of today must at least be a decent morality
To avoid desorder and violence inside the system"

Now can we ask the following question:

How can we measure decent morality ?

We can first ask the following question:

How do we measure the truth ?

The truth is measured by our our senses and by our smartness and by
rationalism and by empiricism !

So i think we can feel the relativeness of truth, i mean that the truth
is measured by a reference of measure , but there can be many references
of measure that gives different results of truth ! and thus we have to
"prioritize" to be able to succeed ! i give you an example:
when i said (read below) that decent morality has to be measured by the
reference of measure that is perfection at best so that the government
enforce more correctly "order", this government needs to prioritize
wich of the reference of measures of the truth are more "valid" !
so there is the reference of measure that is happiness or absolute
happiness , but since law enforcement of "order" that is of a "highest"
priority, so the "truth" of: is it decent morality or not ? must be
measured by the reference of measure that is perfection at best in
itself so that to say that it is decent morality or not ! so here again
you are noticing the relativeness of the truth since the reference of
measure is choosen among many and is prioritized !

I will explain more by giving an example:

To be able to say that morality that is perfection at best and that
is guided by civilization that avoids at best savagery is a decent
morality, you have to give weights or a order of priorities to
things or processes , you can for example say that "order" is of highest
importance and perfection at best is of highest importance and you can
say that richness is of a highest importance and you can infer that even
if we are somewhat suffering to finally become rich and to be finally
order and to be finally perfection at best, we can say that this process
is decent morality because it gives results that are of highest
importance for us.

Also i think that the tendency of today is that morality that is
Perfection at best is balancing perfection with our kind of
"civilization" so that to not being savagery or desorder.


I think that you understand more the essence of morality, but
there is still something to say, i said that morality is
perfection at best, so now we have to ask the following question:
how to avoid "extremism" of perfection that can be dangerous ? i mean
that perfection at best can for example give too much
importance to "efficiency" and this can become dangerous ! so
is my definition of morality that is perfection at best correct
or not ? i think that there is no logical contradiction in
my definition and it is correct because you have to understand
the essence of democracy that is related to morality to understand
better ! because we have to look at our "essence" to understand better
morality ! because since a great part of the people of the society are
more human and they do understand that getting into savagery is "bad" !
so this great part of people of the society does constrain democracy !
since for example the legislative branch or power of the government has
to know how to be "moderation" to avoid extremism that hurt the system
or that causes violence or/and desorder and/or that causes civil war
inside the system ! so this makes us understand that morality that is
perfection at best is constrained by democracy so that the "at best"
becomes more human or more moderation that is in accordance of our today
kind of civilization that, as you have noticed, is balancing perfection
with our kind of civilization so that to avoid savagery or desorder. So
i hope you have understood my explanation and definition of what is the
essence of morality, so i think that we have to be more optimistic about

And here is what i wrote about democracy:

I think the success of USA has to be that USA has to understand the
way USA is governed, take for example the separation of powers,
What is the separation of powers?

The U.S. Constitution set up three separate but equal branches of
government: the legislative branch, or Congress, makes the law; the
executive, led by the president, executes the law; and the judicial, or
courts, interprets the law.

But we have to be smarter than that, the separation of powers is not
"sufficient", so we have to be smarter and know that the legislative
branch has to understand how to make the legislative branch successful !
look for example at USA , its congress is constituted with both
conservatives and democrats, but this legislative branch has to
understand a very important requirement that the legislative branch has
to know how to be "moderation" to not cause violence or civil war
inside the system ! this is the key to success ! thus the legislative
branch of USA has to avoid "extremism" that causes violence or civil war
inside the system , so it has to know how to be "moderation" !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
2018-11-24 04:10:14 UTC
Post by Horizon68
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