2022-06-23 23:38:26 UTC
More of my philosophy about why Usenet is getting really old..
I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I think Usenet are an old text-style forums, it is why it has died
in around year 2010, before my writing on this forum. So i don't
think that people will start to come to Usenet.
And read my previous thoughts about Usenet:
More precision about more of my philosophy about usenet..
I think usenet died before year 2010 in around year 2005, and
you can notice it by reading the following article of year 2005
about it:
More of my philosophy about usenet...
As you have noticed, i have posted on usenet on the newsgroup
of soc.culture.quebec, but it is not that i am a spammer,
it is just that i have posted here on some subjects since i have wanted
usenet to not die, but if you want me to not post here, i will not post
here, since usenet died in 2010 before my writing here on this
newsgroup, since we’ve all called Usenet dead many times over the last
decades, but it wasn’t until May, 2010 that we could truly say that the
death certificate had been signed and the corpse buried. And you can
read the following article so that to notice it:
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
More of my philosophy about why Usenet is getting really old..
I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I think Usenet are an old text-style forums, it is why it has died
in around year 2010, before my writing on this forum. So i don't
think that people will start to come to Usenet.
And read my previous thoughts about Usenet:
More precision about more of my philosophy about usenet..
I think usenet died before year 2010 in around year 2005, and
you can notice it by reading the following article of year 2005
about it:
More of my philosophy about usenet...
As you have noticed, i have posted on usenet on the newsgroup
of soc.culture.quebec, but it is not that i am a spammer,
it is just that i have posted here on some subjects since i have wanted
usenet to not die, but if you want me to not post here, i will not post
here, since usenet died in 2010 before my writing here on this
newsgroup, since we’ve all called Usenet dead many times over the last
decades, but it wasn’t until May, 2010 that we could truly say that the
death certificate had been signed and the corpse buried. And you can
read the following article so that to notice it:
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.