More political philosophy now..
(trop ancien pour répondre)
2018-11-08 23:55:13 UTC

More political philosophy now..

Why do you think i am here to talk to you ?

I am a white arab who is building the moral contract between me
and you so that to bring "confidence" ! and i have talked about it
in some parts of my political philosophy ! so i think
that by reading my political philosophy you are feeling
more what is the essence of morality ! i love it this way because
it is responsability that brings more efficiency that is needed by our
democracy ! so all in all as you are noticing i am here to be
responsable ! now what about the moral contract ? step by step
i am building and explaining my political philosophy to you,
my moral contract with you is that i have also to explain that
there is a necessary requirement for me, is that i have to know
how to play it smartly like playing smartly a game of chess !
and when you are more smart you will have the tendency to
know more quickly what is the best way to maximize your success !
this is why you are seeing me talking about the best way to
maximize success ! for example you have to know that to be
more smart you have to be able in morality to define what is the right
"imperfections" that give you the right perfection ! you see ? that's
very important to know ! because i am a more serious computer programmer
and imperfections like "failing" to be able to be a success is part
of a more serious computer programming ! if you are like a "purist" that
doesn't want to fail at all in computer programming , that's not
efficient ! this is the deficiency of neo-nazism and white
supremacism ! they have to know how to be imperfections(it is like being
failures) so that to be successful ! but neo-nazism and white
supremacism are more like racial "purism" and this purism is inefficient as
is infficient socialism ! other than that we are today more efficient
than before ! and democracy is more efficient than before because
people are more educated and more experienced today and more aware today
than before !
so they are becoming more efficient and this render democracy more
efficient ! but can we ask ourselves the following question: is populism
of today not in accordance with the fact that
we are becoming more efficient ? i don't think this is a logical
contradiction because democracy is adapting quickly to the realities
and to the necessities of today ! and populism is also becoming
more aware of all the advantages of globalization(see the study
below that talks about it), so i think that democracy is
getting more and more efficient because of that ! also
i think that people are becoming more aware of the necessities
that the legislative branch or power of the government has to know how
to be moderation to avoid extremism that hurts the system ! this is
getting better and better , so we have to be positive about politics !
and i think that even Donald Trump is adapting more quickly to the
necessities of today. So all in all i think that
you are understanding better my political philosophy, so
read my following thoughts to understand better:

The contrast of diversity..

I think that neo-nazism and white supremacism have a necessary
requirement that is "order", also they want to be the right
responsability because they want to be a "level" of perfection that is
the right perfection for them, i am a white arab and i understand there
requirements, but the problem with there philosophy is that it has
difficiencies that must be corrected, first since i have proved that
morality is perfection at best, and it is inherent to perfection at best
that it must respect a certain decency and responsability that our
civilization must be an "effort" that avoids at best "savagery", also
we notice that the essence of our democracy is that we have
to know how to be "moderation" in the legislative power so that to
avoid extremism that causes violence and that hurts the system and that
can cause a civil war, so i think that white supremacism and neo-nazism
are constrained by the actual realities of politics and the necessities
of today that i think don't accept neo-nazism and white supremacism
because they are too much risk and they are too dangerous for the
system, also i have noticed that neo-nazism and white supremacism are
racial "purism" that is not what we call efficiency , because i have
explained that optimization of today is "prioritizing" to be able to be
successful, so if you look at the necessities of immigration of
today is that with immigration we want to improve productivity and want
to improve economic growth and want to improve the social system
and also because of the low birth rate of many western countries,
so i don't think that racial purism of neo=nazism and white supremacism
is in accordance with morality that is perfection at best as
i have proved it, also neo-nazism and white supremacism
have the tendency to easily be hateful towards immigrants, but i don't
think that this is the right way, because i think that we have first to
be the right intellectual effort and be correct realism that permit us
to be awareness and that permit us to be capable to think correctly and
be capable of
solving problems, and i don't think that it is the case of neo-nazism
and white supremacism, so i think that neo-nazism and white supremacism
have to be reformed to be in accordance with the right efficiency.

And here is the rest of my previous post:

There is many ways to write a poem, but as you have
noticed that my poems are both poems of love and they are also
"philosophical" poems, and how do i write them ? it is like listening at
the wisdom of silence and listening at the wisdom of the desert and
listening at the wisdom around us, it is a hindsight that i have on
different situations and on humans etc and it permits me to write my
poems and to extend them.. for example in my last poem, i was listening
at the wisdom of silence and the desert and this has showed me the way
and this has learned me more on humans, that humans are like
a glass that needs to be filled with knowledge and perfection and
experience and love and compassion etc. and this has to be guided by our
need to be diversity that is in accordance with morality
that is perfection at best as i have proved it in my previous
posts, this is why morality has to know how to be the
diversity of the "right" imperfections to give the right perfection, and
as you have noticed that morality that is perfection at best
is guided by our need of a decent civilization that avoids
at best savagery, this is why in my previous poem i
wrote about "moderation" that is "faithful" to us and that
is wisdom, because also it is part of the essence of democracy,
and we can understand it because read what i wrote about it in my
political philosophy:

I think the success of USA has to be that USA has to understand the
way USA is governed, take for example the separation of powers,
What is the separation of powers?

The U.S. Constitution set up three separate but equal branches of
government: the legislative branch, or Congress, makes the law; the
executive, led by the president, executes the law; and the judicial, or
courts, interprets the law.

But we have to be smarter than that, the separation of powers is not
"sufficient", so we have to be smarter and know that the legislative
branch has to understand how to make the legislative branch successful !
look for example at USA , its congress is constituted with both
conservatives and democrats, but this legislative branch has to
understand a very important requirement that the legislative branch has
to know how to be "moderation" to not cause violence or civil war
inside the system ! this is the key to success ! thus the legislative
branch of USA has to avoid "extremism" that causes violence or civil war
inside the system , so it has to know how to be "moderation" !

And i invite you to reread my new poem to understand more:

Here is my new poem that i wrote fast,
read it listening at the same time
to the following song:

Jean Ferrat, La complainte de Pablo Neruda

Here is my new poem:


We are like a glass
Since we feel the desert
Since we feel the silence
Like the wind blowing
Like the cold and the hot
Like the day and night
It's with this contrast
That the sense guides our essence
Because diversity is also the path
Because diversity is also the light
So when I hear the wind
And when I look at the sun
I see your heart beating
Like the beat of the wings of the little birds
Because like the delicacy and like caresses
Moderation is faithful to us and it is wisdom
Because we are like a glass
Since we feel the desert
Since we feel the silence
Thus we are love and we are compassion
Like the wind blowing
Like the cold and the hot
Like the day and night
We are perfection and we are progress
Because diversity is also the path
Because diversity is also the light
So when I hear the wind
And when I look at the sun
I see your heart beating
Like the beat of the wings of the little birds
Because like the delicacy and like caresses
Moderation is faithful to us and it is wisdom


And about globalization..

1- Globalization has created new opportunities for firms to develop
business models and offerings that have a higher intensity of R&D,
innovation and capital. Many of the goods and services that have entered
the market over the past decades have exactly those features, and
without globalization, firms would have been forced to continue with
business models that work with a smaller volume of sales. Firms have
been able to specialize more than before and, as a consequence, human
capital and the share of skilled jobs in the economy have grown
remarkably. Today, advanced economies have a greater share of
better-paid and better-skilled jobs than ever before.

2- Globalization has increased real wages for people in Western
economies by making products cheaper or reducing the pace of price
increases. If the typical goods that every household purchases had
followed domestic rather than international price developments,
consumers would have been poorer and saddled with products of lower quality.

3- Globalization has made significant contributions to productivity
growth and, as a consequence, further raised living standards.
Globalization has been particularly important for enabling new
technology to spread fast across markets. In the long term, it is the
speed of technological improvement that sets the pace for how richer
societies get.how societies get richer

However, trade and investment are not growing fast anymore, and there is
much suggesting that the decline in trade and investment growth is one
explanation to the failing dynamism of Western economies. While some
appreciate the decline in the growth of globalization, those who care
about the prosperity of a society should deplore it and make efforts for
the world economy to return to high levels of trade growth.

Read the following study to know more about globalization:

The Economic Benefits of Globalization for Business and Consumers


Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
2018-11-09 00:12:56 UTC
Post by Horizon68
More political philosophy now..
Why do you think i am here to talk to you ?
Personne ne te lis.

Va te faire soigner, sinon MindControl etc. va te zombifier à nouveau.