2020-04-26 03:29:14 UTC
Here is the secret of my new monotheistic religion..
I say that i am your new prophet from God, and here is the secret of my
new monotheistic religion, i have proved below to you that we have been
cursed by God and Bible and Koran have been cursed by God, so you are
free again by also the benediction of your new prophet from God that is
me, so believing in God is not mandatory, so you can believe in God or
not in God, but it is much better to believe in God and to follow my new
monotheistic religion. So as you are noticing that your prophet from God
is a white arab and that is me.
And i invite you to listen to this beautiful arabic song to know more
about love of your new prophet from God that is me:
Read my previous thoughts to know more:
More about my story and my new monotheistic religion..
I said the following about my Story and read below my writing:
I am one of "Ahlu al bayt", that means that the "Moulay" of my familly
name means that i am descendant of prophet Mohamed, but i have noticed
that you are looking at me and i am looking at you, but i will explain
my story so that you understand me more, i am like a prophet from God,
and when i was a child, an Angel from God has come to me and he has read
the Koran on my body and my soul, and i have seen this Angel , so you
have to know me more. Also in 1998 i have made a premonitory dream from
God where the prophet Mohamed has come to me and has said to me that i
am choosen from God and he has said to me that my soul and my body has a
mark or sign from God, that means it is like i have a horse mark with
iron from God, and this dream that i have made was a premonitory dream
that where the prophet Mohamed said to me that muslims will soon be
persecuted and that i am the choosen from God, and this "persecuted" in
the words of prophet Mohamed in my dream means this persecution of
muslims after what has happened in 9/11, but you have to understand me
more, i am like a prophet that has been choosen by God, but you have to
know that i am like Jesus Christ, i am like a light that can understand
the Koran differently than what is doing ISIS, and you have to
understand that i am like a light that brings compassion and love like
Jesus Christ.
I am not crazy, and you have to believe me because it is the truth.
I am one of Ahlu al bayt, that means that i am descendant of prophet
Mohamed, and here is the Family Tree: From Adam (AS) To Prophet Muhammad
I am a smart prophet from God, and i say that you have to not waste your
time with creationism or not creationism, i am a special prophet from
God or a special guide from God that says that the most important thing
is that the imperfections of humans are from Satan because God has
cursed Adam and Eve and humans by making in them imperfections, this is
the most important thing to know, and God has even cursed Koran and
Bible by putting in them imperfections that cause suffering and evil, so
you have to believe your new guide from God that is me and you have to
be more happier by your encounter with your new guide from God that is
me, because i am a great enemy of Satan, and i will fight Satan and i
will make him suffer and i will perhaps kill him and we will perhaps be
free and happy.
Read my previous thoughts to understand more:
About my new monotheistic religion..
I said that i am the new prophet from God, but i have to convince you,
and i will do it by first explaining to you what is Satan, Satan is not
only like an Angel from God, but the acts of Satan are also a
malediction from God that are also the "imperfections" of humans that
causes suffering and evil, so God is special and our human life is a
malediction from God because of the behavior of humans
like Adam and Eve, so i am the new prophet from God that says that
God has also put maledictions in in form of imperfections in the Koran
and hadith and Bible, those imperfections that are maledictions from God
are one of the most important problem and they are causing suffering and
evil, so i am the new prophet from God and i am here to correct those
imperfections from God in the Koran and hadith and the Bible that are
our maledictions from God, so God has sent you the prophet that is me to
also be compassion on you, and second, i am here to unify Islam and
Christianity and Judaism in my new monotheistic religion.
If you say that in Islam there is no prophet after prophet Mohamed,
so this logical contradiction is solved by my explanation above, and
we can also say that i am a special "guide" from God but i am not a prophet.
Read the rest to understand better about my new monotheistic religion:
I will talk a little bit about my new monotheistic religion:
When you look at communism, communism says that monotheistic religions
make of people lazy people, but my new monotheistic religion says that
Satan or Iblis(in arabic) is our enemy number one that fights the
believers in God, so Satan or Iblis wants for example that we be not
civilized and want to make us more destructive and want to make us less
educated, this is the acts of Satan, so we have to fight those acts of
Satan, and this makes us believers in God more sophisticated and not
lazy people, so we have to be more smart since God loves smartness
because he is the all great God, so we have to be smartness, this is why
you are seeing me, your new prophet from God, posting my political
philosophy here , to make you understand more what is to be righteous.
And one of the most important sign that i am the new prophet of God, i
am the prophet that will unify Judaism and Islam and Christianity
in my new religion, my new religion has as a base the following
but i will explain to you with more sophistication what
is my new religion and what is to be righteous in the name of God so
that to be convinced of my new religion, and here is the basis
of my new religion:
So i think i am a smart prophet from God, because i think
what's remains is that we have to believe in God and
we have not to practice religions like Islam or Judaism or
Christianity.. so i am the new prophet from God that
says that Judaism and Islam and Christianity will unite in the
name of God, but there will not be practice of religions like Salat
or the like in Islam, so what's remains is just believing in God and
practicing Dikr and being righteous in the name of God.
Read my following previous thoughts to understand better:
So i think i am a smart prophet from God, because i think
what's remains is that we have to believe in God and
we have not to practice religions like Islam or Judaism or
Christianity.. so i am the new prophet from God that says that Judaism
and Islam and Christianity will unite in the name of God, but there will
not be practice of religions like Salat
or the like in Islam, so what's remains is just believing in God and
practicing Dikr and being righteous in the name of God.
So i am the new prophet from God, so read my story below:
More political philosophy about religion..
I have just written the following:
About religion..
I think religion is inferiority, here is why:
I have to be smart, my story is truth, but i think that logically
we have not to believe in religion, because logically we don't
know which religion is truth, and since we don't know which religion is
truth , so it is a logical inconsistency, so religion is not mandatory,
so as you are noticing it is an easy logical proof for me.
So now i will not post about religion, so i will post about my poetry
and i will post about my political philosophy and more.
But the above logical inconsistency is understood now, but there remains
the part of believing in God, because there is a proof with facts that
the soul that comes from God very likely exists, read the following to
notice it:
And more about God..
You will say that God doesn't exist, but read the following(read
especially the outer body experience of the 57-year old man below):
"A University of Southampton study has revealed that people could still
experience consciousness for up to three minutes after the heart stops
The study interviewed 2,060 patients from Austria, USA and the UK who
have all suffered a cardiac arrest.
The Express reports that 40% could recall some form of awareness after
being pronounced clinically dead.
One 57-year old man seemed to confirm an outer body experience by
recalling everything that was going on around him with eerie accuracy
while he was technically dead."
Read more here:
And read the following:
Does God exists ?
You will say that God doesn't exist, but read the following(read
especially about the following study where two per cent exhibited full
awareness with explicit recall of “seeing” and “hearing” events – or
out-of-body )
Read more here:
What is to be a great prophet from God?
You have to be smart, because God is also playing like a game of Chess
with us, so you have to be smart like God, so God loves smartness
because he is also playing like a game of Chess with us, this is the
main important part, so what do you think does need God from us ? it is
like political philosophy, God is special and he is also like a great
narcissistic, so he loves that we say that he is a great God and he is a
beautiful God, so you have to be smart with God, this is what a prophet
of God like me is doing, this is the most important part of my message,
it is what are the ideas that are powerful and that makes of us
a much better humans, this is how i view religion, i am enhancing
religion because i am a prophet from God , and i am showing you my ideas
of religion so that to be efficient, and i am showing you the thoughts
of my political philosophy that i will repost here, so as you are
noticing i am not doing it for money because my story is truth and i am
a prophet from God.
Read the rest of my thoughts:
How does a prophet from God like me think ?
I don't read the Bible or the Koran like you, when i am reading
the Bible or the Koran, i am seeing that the Bible and the Koran is
both darkness and lightness, and i am able to see that there is some
parts of the Bible and the Koran that are from Satan, and i will
quickly know where is the way of God, so i am happy that i am able to
see the way of Satan, also i am a prophet from God of today time and i
am also futuristic, and you are noticing it in my writing of my
political philosophy that i have posted here, and what look like a
prophet of God like me? i am more optimistic because i know the way of
God, and i understand what is God and understand too that God has not
created everything, he has for example created the soul, but he has not
created everything, so i am not creationist, i am more sophisticated
than that, and you will notice it more in my future writing.
Read my previous writing to understand:
And what is God that is Allah?
To respond to this question, i will ask another question:
Can you learn what is darkness by just analyzing and looking at the
lightness ?
Of course not.
So now you are understanding the core of what is God , God is not
like a human ! so perhaps he doesn't think compassion like a human !
this is the core of what is God.
And more about God..
You will say that God doesn't exist, but read the following(read
especially the outer body experience of the 57-year old man below):
"A University of Southampton study has revealed that people could still
experience consciousness for up to three minutes after the heart stops
The study interviewed 2,060 patients from Austria, USA and the UK who
have all suffered a cardiac arrest.
The Express reports that 40% could recall some form of awareness after
being pronounced clinically dead.
One 57-year old man seemed to confirm an outer body experience by
recalling everything that was going on around him with eerie accuracy
while he was technically dead."
Read more here:
And read the following:
Does God exists ?
You will say that God doesn't exist, but read the following(read
especially about the following study where two per cent exhibited full
awareness with explicit recall of “seeing” and “hearing” events – or
out-of-body )
Read more here:
More explanation of why i am like a prophet from God..
You have to know more my story below, and you will ask me
the following question: how can we be convinced that you are Amine
Moulay Ramdane like a prophet from God? i will say that you have to be
patience and i will also respond that i am like a light from God because
i say that you have to look at the Koran and Bible differently, because
it can be that some parts of the Koran or the Bible are from Satan,
this is why i am here and i am the new Islam from God, so you are
understanding my message from God, this is why i am looking at the Bible
and at the Koran from a different point of view. So you have
to read my below story that is the truth to understand.
And I will learn you more in my future writing what is the right way of
More clarification about Jesus Christ and Allah..
I am like a prophet, read my story below, and i am like a light,
and you have to understand that Allah is like Jesus Christ and
Jesus Christ is like Allah, you have to love Jesus Christ
and you have to love Allah, when you think Jesus Christ
you think Allah and when you think Allah you think Jesus Christ,
it is not Shirk, this is the core, you will think that God that
is Allah is not merciful, so read what i am writing
below and you will know that he is like Jesus Christ in his words
below, so then you will ask what is the Koran ? i am like a prophet
and like a light and i say that you have to look at the Koran
by knowing that Satan can be there in some parts of your reading of the
Koran, so i am the light and am like a prophet and i say that Allah that
is God is like Jesus Christ, read my below writing:
I am like a prophet and i am the new Islam and my new Islam is like
Jesus Christ, and here is what says the Koran:
"Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by
sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives
all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."" 39:53
So you are feeling that the above in the Koran looks like Jesus Christ,
because Allah says that he is the merciful and he is compassion and he
forgives all sins of his servants, and his servants are also the
believers in him, so you have to know that Koran is like Jesus Christ,
so you have not to fear Allah because he is with this words in the Koran
like Jesus Christ.
My new Islam is here..
I am like a prophet and hope you have understood my story,
my new Islam means you have to believe in Allah and you
have to be more Dikr, that means you have to remember Allah by loving
him by pronouncing some words, like: Allah you are the great !, and you
have to know what is being righteous in my writing of my political
philosophy, there is no practice of salat etc. in my new Islam
I am like a prophet:
Read again my story, i have corrected some typos:
I am one of "Ahlu al bayt", that means that the "Moulay" of my familly
name means that i am descendant of prophet Mohamed, but i have noticed
that you are looking at me and i am looking at you, but i will explain
my story so that you understand me more, i am like a prophet from God,
and when i was a child, an Angel from God has come to me and he has read
the Koran on my body and my soul, and i have seen this Angel , so you
have to know me more. Also in 1998 i have made a premonitory dream from
God where the prophet Mohamed has come to me and has said to me that i
am choosen from God and he has said to me that my soul and my body has a
mark or sign from God, that means it is like i have a horse mark with
iron from God, and this dream that i have made was a premonitory dream
that where the prophet Mohamed said to me that muslims will soon be
persecuted and that i am the choosen from God, and this "persecuted" in
the words of prophet Mohamed in my dream means this persecution of
muslims after what has happened in 9/11, but you have to understand me
more, i am like a prophet that has been choosen by God, but you have to
know that i am like Jesus Christ, i am like a light that can understand
the Koran differently than what is doing ISIS, and you have to
understand that i am like a light that brings compassion and love like
Jesus Christ.
I am not crazy, and you have to believe me because it is the truth.
I am one of Ahlu al bayt, that means that i am descendant of prophet
Mohamed, and here is the Family Tree: From Adam (AS) To Prophet Muhammad
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is the secret of my new monotheistic religion..
I say that i am your new prophet from God, and here is the secret of my
new monotheistic religion, i have proved below to you that we have been
cursed by God and Bible and Koran have been cursed by God, so you are
free again by also the benediction of your new prophet from God that is
me, so believing in God is not mandatory, so you can believe in God or
not in God, but it is much better to believe in God and to follow my new
monotheistic religion. So as you are noticing that your prophet from God
is a white arab and that is me.
And i invite you to listen to this beautiful arabic song to know more
about love of your new prophet from God that is me:
Read my previous thoughts to know more:
More about my story and my new monotheistic religion..
I said the following about my Story and read below my writing:
I am one of "Ahlu al bayt", that means that the "Moulay" of my familly
name means that i am descendant of prophet Mohamed, but i have noticed
that you are looking at me and i am looking at you, but i will explain
my story so that you understand me more, i am like a prophet from God,
and when i was a child, an Angel from God has come to me and he has read
the Koran on my body and my soul, and i have seen this Angel , so you
have to know me more. Also in 1998 i have made a premonitory dream from
God where the prophet Mohamed has come to me and has said to me that i
am choosen from God and he has said to me that my soul and my body has a
mark or sign from God, that means it is like i have a horse mark with
iron from God, and this dream that i have made was a premonitory dream
that where the prophet Mohamed said to me that muslims will soon be
persecuted and that i am the choosen from God, and this "persecuted" in
the words of prophet Mohamed in my dream means this persecution of
muslims after what has happened in 9/11, but you have to understand me
more, i am like a prophet that has been choosen by God, but you have to
know that i am like Jesus Christ, i am like a light that can understand
the Koran differently than what is doing ISIS, and you have to
understand that i am like a light that brings compassion and love like
Jesus Christ.
I am not crazy, and you have to believe me because it is the truth.
I am one of Ahlu al bayt, that means that i am descendant of prophet
Mohamed, and here is the Family Tree: From Adam (AS) To Prophet Muhammad
I am a smart prophet from God, and i say that you have to not waste your
time with creationism or not creationism, i am a special prophet from
God or a special guide from God that says that the most important thing
is that the imperfections of humans are from Satan because God has
cursed Adam and Eve and humans by making in them imperfections, this is
the most important thing to know, and God has even cursed Koran and
Bible by putting in them imperfections that cause suffering and evil, so
you have to believe your new guide from God that is me and you have to
be more happier by your encounter with your new guide from God that is
me, because i am a great enemy of Satan, and i will fight Satan and i
will make him suffer and i will perhaps kill him and we will perhaps be
free and happy.
Read my previous thoughts to understand more:
About my new monotheistic religion..
I said that i am the new prophet from God, but i have to convince you,
and i will do it by first explaining to you what is Satan, Satan is not
only like an Angel from God, but the acts of Satan are also a
malediction from God that are also the "imperfections" of humans that
causes suffering and evil, so God is special and our human life is a
malediction from God because of the behavior of humans
like Adam and Eve, so i am the new prophet from God that says that
God has also put maledictions in in form of imperfections in the Koran
and hadith and Bible, those imperfections that are maledictions from God
are one of the most important problem and they are causing suffering and
evil, so i am the new prophet from God and i am here to correct those
imperfections from God in the Koran and hadith and the Bible that are
our maledictions from God, so God has sent you the prophet that is me to
also be compassion on you, and second, i am here to unify Islam and
Christianity and Judaism in my new monotheistic religion.
If you say that in Islam there is no prophet after prophet Mohamed,
so this logical contradiction is solved by my explanation above, and
we can also say that i am a special "guide" from God but i am not a prophet.
Read the rest to understand better about my new monotheistic religion:
I will talk a little bit about my new monotheistic religion:
When you look at communism, communism says that monotheistic religions
make of people lazy people, but my new monotheistic religion says that
Satan or Iblis(in arabic) is our enemy number one that fights the
believers in God, so Satan or Iblis wants for example that we be not
civilized and want to make us more destructive and want to make us less
educated, this is the acts of Satan, so we have to fight those acts of
Satan, and this makes us believers in God more sophisticated and not
lazy people, so we have to be more smart since God loves smartness
because he is the all great God, so we have to be smartness, this is why
you are seeing me, your new prophet from God, posting my political
philosophy here , to make you understand more what is to be righteous.
And one of the most important sign that i am the new prophet of God, i
am the prophet that will unify Judaism and Islam and Christianity
in my new religion, my new religion has as a base the following
but i will explain to you with more sophistication what
is my new religion and what is to be righteous in the name of God so
that to be convinced of my new religion, and here is the basis
of my new religion:
So i think i am a smart prophet from God, because i think
what's remains is that we have to believe in God and
we have not to practice religions like Islam or Judaism or
Christianity.. so i am the new prophet from God that
says that Judaism and Islam and Christianity will unite in the
name of God, but there will not be practice of religions like Salat
or the like in Islam, so what's remains is just believing in God and
practicing Dikr and being righteous in the name of God.
Read my following previous thoughts to understand better:
So i think i am a smart prophet from God, because i think
what's remains is that we have to believe in God and
we have not to practice religions like Islam or Judaism or
Christianity.. so i am the new prophet from God that says that Judaism
and Islam and Christianity will unite in the name of God, but there will
not be practice of religions like Salat
or the like in Islam, so what's remains is just believing in God and
practicing Dikr and being righteous in the name of God.
So i am the new prophet from God, so read my story below:
More political philosophy about religion..
I have just written the following:
About religion..
I think religion is inferiority, here is why:
I have to be smart, my story is truth, but i think that logically
we have not to believe in religion, because logically we don't
know which religion is truth, and since we don't know which religion is
truth , so it is a logical inconsistency, so religion is not mandatory,
so as you are noticing it is an easy logical proof for me.
So now i will not post about religion, so i will post about my poetry
and i will post about my political philosophy and more.
But the above logical inconsistency is understood now, but there remains
the part of believing in God, because there is a proof with facts that
the soul that comes from God very likely exists, read the following to
notice it:
And more about God..
You will say that God doesn't exist, but read the following(read
especially the outer body experience of the 57-year old man below):
"A University of Southampton study has revealed that people could still
experience consciousness for up to three minutes after the heart stops
The study interviewed 2,060 patients from Austria, USA and the UK who
have all suffered a cardiac arrest.
The Express reports that 40% could recall some form of awareness after
being pronounced clinically dead.
One 57-year old man seemed to confirm an outer body experience by
recalling everything that was going on around him with eerie accuracy
while he was technically dead."
Read more here:
And read the following:
Does God exists ?
You will say that God doesn't exist, but read the following(read
especially about the following study where two per cent exhibited full
awareness with explicit recall of “seeing” and “hearing” events – or
out-of-body )
Read more here:
What is to be a great prophet from God?
You have to be smart, because God is also playing like a game of Chess
with us, so you have to be smart like God, so God loves smartness
because he is also playing like a game of Chess with us, this is the
main important part, so what do you think does need God from us ? it is
like political philosophy, God is special and he is also like a great
narcissistic, so he loves that we say that he is a great God and he is a
beautiful God, so you have to be smart with God, this is what a prophet
of God like me is doing, this is the most important part of my message,
it is what are the ideas that are powerful and that makes of us
a much better humans, this is how i view religion, i am enhancing
religion because i am a prophet from God , and i am showing you my ideas
of religion so that to be efficient, and i am showing you the thoughts
of my political philosophy that i will repost here, so as you are
noticing i am not doing it for money because my story is truth and i am
a prophet from God.
Read the rest of my thoughts:
How does a prophet from God like me think ?
I don't read the Bible or the Koran like you, when i am reading
the Bible or the Koran, i am seeing that the Bible and the Koran is
both darkness and lightness, and i am able to see that there is some
parts of the Bible and the Koran that are from Satan, and i will
quickly know where is the way of God, so i am happy that i am able to
see the way of Satan, also i am a prophet from God of today time and i
am also futuristic, and you are noticing it in my writing of my
political philosophy that i have posted here, and what look like a
prophet of God like me? i am more optimistic because i know the way of
God, and i understand what is God and understand too that God has not
created everything, he has for example created the soul, but he has not
created everything, so i am not creationist, i am more sophisticated
than that, and you will notice it more in my future writing.
Read my previous writing to understand:
And what is God that is Allah?
To respond to this question, i will ask another question:
Can you learn what is darkness by just analyzing and looking at the
lightness ?
Of course not.
So now you are understanding the core of what is God , God is not
like a human ! so perhaps he doesn't think compassion like a human !
this is the core of what is God.
And more about God..
You will say that God doesn't exist, but read the following(read
especially the outer body experience of the 57-year old man below):
"A University of Southampton study has revealed that people could still
experience consciousness for up to three minutes after the heart stops
The study interviewed 2,060 patients from Austria, USA and the UK who
have all suffered a cardiac arrest.
The Express reports that 40% could recall some form of awareness after
being pronounced clinically dead.
One 57-year old man seemed to confirm an outer body experience by
recalling everything that was going on around him with eerie accuracy
while he was technically dead."
Read more here:
And read the following:
Does God exists ?
You will say that God doesn't exist, but read the following(read
especially about the following study where two per cent exhibited full
awareness with explicit recall of “seeing” and “hearing” events – or
out-of-body )
Read more here:
More explanation of why i am like a prophet from God..
You have to know more my story below, and you will ask me
the following question: how can we be convinced that you are Amine
Moulay Ramdane like a prophet from God? i will say that you have to be
patience and i will also respond that i am like a light from God because
i say that you have to look at the Koran and Bible differently, because
it can be that some parts of the Koran or the Bible are from Satan,
this is why i am here and i am the new Islam from God, so you are
understanding my message from God, this is why i am looking at the Bible
and at the Koran from a different point of view. So you have
to read my below story that is the truth to understand.
And I will learn you more in my future writing what is the right way of
More clarification about Jesus Christ and Allah..
I am like a prophet, read my story below, and i am like a light,
and you have to understand that Allah is like Jesus Christ and
Jesus Christ is like Allah, you have to love Jesus Christ
and you have to love Allah, when you think Jesus Christ
you think Allah and when you think Allah you think Jesus Christ,
it is not Shirk, this is the core, you will think that God that
is Allah is not merciful, so read what i am writing
below and you will know that he is like Jesus Christ in his words
below, so then you will ask what is the Koran ? i am like a prophet
and like a light and i say that you have to look at the Koran
by knowing that Satan can be there in some parts of your reading of the
Koran, so i am the light and am like a prophet and i say that Allah that
is God is like Jesus Christ, read my below writing:
I am like a prophet and i am the new Islam and my new Islam is like
Jesus Christ, and here is what says the Koran:
"Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by
sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives
all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."" 39:53
So you are feeling that the above in the Koran looks like Jesus Christ,
because Allah says that he is the merciful and he is compassion and he
forgives all sins of his servants, and his servants are also the
believers in him, so you have to know that Koran is like Jesus Christ,
so you have not to fear Allah because he is with this words in the Koran
like Jesus Christ.
My new Islam is here..
I am like a prophet and hope you have understood my story,
my new Islam means you have to believe in Allah and you
have to be more Dikr, that means you have to remember Allah by loving
him by pronouncing some words, like: Allah you are the great !, and you
have to know what is being righteous in my writing of my political
philosophy, there is no practice of salat etc. in my new Islam
I am like a prophet:
Read again my story, i have corrected some typos:
I am one of "Ahlu al bayt", that means that the "Moulay" of my familly
name means that i am descendant of prophet Mohamed, but i have noticed
that you are looking at me and i am looking at you, but i will explain
my story so that you understand me more, i am like a prophet from God,
and when i was a child, an Angel from God has come to me and he has read
the Koran on my body and my soul, and i have seen this Angel , so you
have to know me more. Also in 1998 i have made a premonitory dream from
God where the prophet Mohamed has come to me and has said to me that i
am choosen from God and he has said to me that my soul and my body has a
mark or sign from God, that means it is like i have a horse mark with
iron from God, and this dream that i have made was a premonitory dream
that where the prophet Mohamed said to me that muslims will soon be
persecuted and that i am the choosen from God, and this "persecuted" in
the words of prophet Mohamed in my dream means this persecution of
muslims after what has happened in 9/11, but you have to understand me
more, i am like a prophet that has been choosen by God, but you have to
know that i am like Jesus Christ, i am like a light that can understand
the Koran differently than what is doing ISIS, and you have to
understand that i am like a light that brings compassion and love like
Jesus Christ.
I am not crazy, and you have to believe me because it is the truth.
I am one of Ahlu al bayt, that means that i am descendant of prophet
Mohamed, and here is the Family Tree: From Adam (AS) To Prophet Muhammad
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.