More of my philosophy about the brain and about stress and bad emotions ,and more of my thoughts..
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2022-05-07 21:52:08 UTC

More of my philosophy about the brain and about stress and bad emotions
and more of my thoughts..

I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also
invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

I think i am smart, and now i will invite you to look at the following
video of a neuroscientist that explains how to go forward and be much
more in control even if you experience high stress and bad emotions:

Change Your Brain: Neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman | Rich Roll Podcast

So i think i am highly smart, and of course you are noticing in the
above video of the neuroscientist that he is explaining the how from
a neuroscientist point of view, but my philosophy is different,
since in my philosophy, so that to go forward by being much more in
control even if there is high stress and bad emotions, i am saying below
that the basis of my philosophy is the below lever in form of an engine
and in form of an intellectual mechanism that you have to be convinced
of it, and of course, so that to be convinced of it, you have not to
be a nihilistic point of view, and i mean that you have to
to be convinced that life needs from us to be constructive so that
to make it a better life, and it is part of what we call human's
maturity, so then of course you have to know how to measure it
relatively , like measuring IQs of humans, and not measuring it
absolutely, so then you have to read about the intellectual mechanism of
my philosophy below that explains how to be happiness and that fights
much more efficiently stress and bad emotions, also i think it makes you
much more patient too, and of course since it is an intellectual
mechanism, then it adheres to my following philosophy that explains in
my following thoughts "What is the true power of the idea ?":

What is the true power of the idea ?

This is a so important philosophical subject, since
i think i am smart and i will make you feel more the true
power of the idea by first talking about the technic in psychology that
we call "Mood freezing", since i think that the most important aspect of
Mood freezing is that it recognizes the true power of the mind, and you
can read about it here:


So as you are noticing that it says that when the respondents were
convinced that expressing aggression would not make them feel better,
they actually accepted their current situation which eventually improved
their moods, so this proves that the power of the idea is great, this is
why i am of the ones that believes that we can enhance much better
humans and construct a new type of man by using some intellectual
mechanisms, and i am talking about some of them below and here is my
poem about the true power of the idea, read it again:

"Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is how they have built south Korea
Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is how we unite the people such as of Crimea
Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is not just a pizza from the pizzeria
Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is not the simple prayer of Ave Maria
Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is not the stupid war between the sunnite and shiah
Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
Since it is how we make north Korea look like a beautiful Canada
So give me more of those beautiful and so smart ideas !"

More of my philosophy about how to be happy and more of my thoughts..

I think i am smart, and now i have just looked at the following
video of an american , i invite you to look at it by clicking the
following link:

EARL NIGHTINGALE : Enjoyment, Pleasure, Happiness, Joy & Bless!

I think i am smart, and in my philosophy i have to explain that
it is different from the above explanation of how to attain happiness,
since my philosophy says that the being happy doesn't come from only
pleasures of life that satisfies you, but happiness comes from both
responsability and pleasures of life that satisfies you, but not
only that, but my philosophy says more clearly that when you are being
responsability by for example the being hard work, or such, and by being
not pleasures of life at for example the time of the being hard work,
you have to be hope and positive energy by thinking, at the same time of
for example the being responsability of hard work, that you will have
pleasures of life as a recompense after the being for example the
responsability of the hard work, so in my philosophy you have to know
how to maintain this cycle so that to attain happiness, since as you
notice that this "you have to think that you will have pleasures of life
as a recompense after the being for example the responsability of the
hard work" is like lever in a form of engine , of also positive energy ,
that pushes you forward. So i invite you again to read my following part
of my philosophy about how to be self-confidence and about how to be the
positive energy and how to be hope so that you notice how my philosophy
is smart:


More precision of my philosophy by giving like a logical proof about the
bandwidth of our mind or brain and more of my thoughts..

I think i am highly smart and i have to give more precision with
my logical proof about smartness so that you understand my below
thoughts about the bandwidth of our brain, and here it is:

More philosophy about how to measure human IQ or human smartness..

I think i am smart, and i will talk about how to measure human IQs or
human smartness, first you have to know that you can measure relatively
or absolutely, so if you measure the IQ of a human, you will give a
value of IQ that is "relative" to the distribution of IQs of humans, so
can we ask if it is the right way to measure human IQs? i think it is
not, because there is a "very" important thing that is missing, and it
is that you have to also measure IQ or smartness relatively to the
"constraints" in our reality that constrain(or limit) human IQ or human
smartness, and i think this will give a much more realistic measure of
human IQs or human smartness, so if you are really smart you will start
by searching what are those constraints in the reality that constrain
human IQs or human smartness, because this way you will become really smart.

Let me give an example about how to measure IQs or smartness..

So if you are really smart you will give a smart example so that people
can understand, so here it is:

If i say: 2 + 2 = 4

So you will notice that this equality is also constrained by constraints
of reality, since for example you are noticing that it is not so
mathematically expressive, so this not mathematically expressive is also
constraining human IQ or human smartness, since if you understand and
learn this mathematical equality, another person will quickly do the
same, so the other person will adapt quickly to this level of smartness,
so now you are noticing the smart idea, it is that even science and
technology are constrained the same way, and this constraints on
science and technology constrain or limit the expressiveness of high
human IQs or high level of smartness so that other lower level human
IQs or smartness can attain the level of adaptability of high human
IQs, this is what is happening in our today world, and if you are smart
you will notice that there is something else that is happening and it
is that abstraction of complexity that reduce the complexity is making
others not understanding the complexity behind the abstraction and this
is not so efficient.

Here is more about the constraints on science and technology:

Is Science Going To End?

Read more here:


More of my philosophy about the bandwidth of our mind or brain and more
of my thoughts..

I think i am highly smart, and as you have just noticed, i have just
spoken about how our brain can work concurrently and not in parallel,
read about it in my below thoughts, but now i have to speak about
another weakness of our brain, and it is its bandwidth, i mean that the
bandwidth of our brain is not so efficient so that to compete with
highly smart machines of the future, so then how can you solve the
problem?, so i think i am highly smart and i say that i am solving it
much more efficiently by a smart way that looks by logical analogy like
by compressing the data or by enlarging the bandwidth without doing
them, i mean that the data of our world is so big, but the high quality
data is much much less bigger or we can say that it is rare, so it
becomes easier, so i think that you can be really efficient by just
knowing how to understand efficiently the necessary rare high quality
data and you will become much more apt at competing with highly smart
machines, and it is how i am doing it, and notice how i am also
inventing high quality architectural ideas of my philosophy and
philosophy that permits me to be efficient, read about it below:

More of my philosophy about the human mind and more of my thoughts..

I think i am smart, and as you have just noticed, i have just
spoken about silence and decency of silence, but now i will speak
about another important subject, and it is the one of the human mind,
so i think that our human mind is like a single core processor
that works with a certain frequency, so it can work concurrently , but
not in parallel since it is not like a multicore processor, so i think
that we can be with our human mind a consciousness of an idea in time T1
, and we can be in in the oneself in time T2 after time T1 and we can be
another consciousness of an idea in time T3 after time T2
, so it can go on and on "concurrently", but not in parallel, so i think
that a weakness is that we can be too emotional or have bad emotions
when you are a consciousness of an idea or you can have bad emotions
when you don't know how to manage correctly concurrently with your mind,
since our mind doesn't work in parallel, so then you have to know how to
manage this inner of your mind, and of course i have just spoken about
decency of silence and silence that allow us to know more about our
inner side of ourselves and that allows us to be in harmony, so you can
read my below thoughts and poems so that to understand my thoughts:

Here is my new poem called: "Where is happiness ?"

Where is happiness ?

I think that silence is not like innocence

Since i think that silence is like decency

Since decency is behavior that conforms to standards of respectability

And notice that with the right silence you can even make it a good harmony

But what is it this decency of silence ?

Since i think that real decency doesn't make bad noises

And notice that i am also using the word noise symbolically

And I think decency of silence is not the insolence of science

Since can science be tuned to not make make those bad noises ?

So i think that silence also brings the human's inner harmony

And notice that i am also speaking about the symbolic of silence

So then since we can not make harmony without those bad noises

It is like we have to minimize at best the bad noises

And maximize at best the opportunity that makes you successful

Using the decency of silence of course !

So, since silence is so important

So i invite you to look at the following video about silence:

The Importance of Silence | Sadhguru

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
More of my philosophy from where comes the smartness of my poems and
more of my thoughts..

I think i am smart, and from where do you think comes the smartness
of all of my poems below ? i think that there smartness comes
from the fact that i have invented my philosophy and i have invented
the architectural ideas of my philosophy, and after that it has
allowed me to give a good rhythm to my poetry, i mean that those
architectural ideas of my philosophy that i have invented give the form
that is much more clear to my poetry and after that it becomes easier
for me to put my other ideas in my poetry, so i invite you to look
for example at a part of my philosophy here in the following web link
about how to be self-confidence and about how to be the positive energy
and how to be hope so that you notice how my philosophy is smart:


More of my philosophy about the good business man and more of my thoughts..

I think i am smart, and i say that it is not with virility that
we recognize a good business man, i think that we can also
recognize a good business man by how he is dynamically playing
to you his good rhythm of his music , this good rhythm is like the good
rhythm of writing beautiful poetry, but how can you have this good
rhythm? i think that it is also "technical", i mean that when you know
about the "tendency" by having and understanding the right architectural
ideas, you can debug much more efficiently with them and this brings
this good rhythm, and it is how i am also doing it , since i am
inventing those architectural ideas, and you can take a look
at them by reading my philosophy of how i am inventing my architectural
ideas of my philosophy.

More of my philosophy about the strongness and more of my thoughts..

Here is my new proverb that makes you understand a very important thing:

"Strongness doesn't come from virility, since i think that strongness
comes from knowing how to tune it efficiently so that to be successful,
and this how to tune it efficiently needs from us to know how to
efficiently be this soft power that avoids wars and violence and that
brings peace."

More of my philosophy of how to be a strong man..

I think i am smart, and i think we have to ask a philosophical question of:

What is a strong man ?

So i think i am smart and i will start by rapidly discovering patterns
with my fluid intelligence so that to answer the question:

The most important pattern that i am discovering is that the way of how
to do politics in our modern world doesn't look like the old world,
since the most important thing in our today world of politics is
soft power that permits to avoid wars, and now you are understanding
what is the problem of the war in Ukraine, since i think that we can
notice that it is like the too big to jail problematic that has to be
solved by the way of soft power using efficiently the means of Diplomacy
and by highering smartly the standards of governance and by the way of
more and more economic integration between countries so that to bring
more and more peace, and i think that it is what has caused a war
between Russia and Ukraine, i mean that i think it is a lack of this
kind of soft power that bring peace that has the tendency to make our
world much more violent, so i think that the strong man has to be
efficient at this kind of soft power that brings peace.

More of my philosophy of how to pray the beautiful light..

I think i am smart, and as you have just noticed , i am saying in my new
poem below the following:

"Since my God is not the just like i want to eat a delicious banana
So is the beautiful light, that we have to pray, like a primitive llama ?
No, since do my beautiful poems of Love are like a pyjama too ?
No, since my beautiful philosophy is not like the one of Dalai lama
Since praying the beautiful light is necessary like a mamma(mother)"

So as you are noticing that i am saying that the praying the beautiful
light is necessary like a mamma(mother), but you have to understand my
philosophy, since what is also our God ? i say that our God is also the
beautiful light that can be the light that makes you more and more
perfect in this life, so notice that my poems of Love below are also
like a beautiful light that can make you more and more perfect, and we
can also pray this kind of beautiful light by being grateful towards
this kind of beautiful light, so as you notice that the beautiful light
looks like this process of perfectioning that makes you a better person
in a society, and i think that this kind of beautiful light brings
the positive energy that is necessary and the being this grateful is
also a positive energy that is necessary like a mamma(mother), so i
invite you to read all my below poems so that to understand more and
more my philosophy:

Here is my new poem called: "I am an artist like Santana playing the Oye
Como Va", and read all my poems below:

I am an artist like Santana playing the Oye Como Va

Since my beautiful poems of Love are not like the melodrama

Since i am not praying the indian Brahma

But i am praying the beautiful light that is not a simple city of Yokohama

Since my God is not the just like i want to eat a delicious banana

So is the beautiful light, that we have to pray, like a primitive llama ?

No, since do my beautiful poems of Love are like a pyjama too ?

No, since my beautiful philosophy is not like the one of Dalai lama

Since praying the beautiful light is necessary like a mamma(mother)

It is how we can attain like the beautiful nirvana

And It is why I am an artist like Santana playing the Oye Como Va

So you have to see it clearly like in a beautiful Panorama

Since as you notice that my beautiful God is not president Obama

Since I am the artist like Santana playing the Oye Como Va !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is my just new poem called: "Am i searching for a defense ?"

Am i searching for a defense ?

So i will ask without pretence

What is the importance of a monetary unit called a cent ?

Does it merit a dispense (a get rid of) ?

And is it not like a sixth sense ?

So is it just the thinking it great and immense ?

So as you notice that it looks like a suspense !

Since it is like the how to have a correct moral sense !

And it is like making the difference between past and future tense !

And does it needs only a commonsense ?

And does not the self-defense needs the merit of a recompense ?

And does not a good society needs the right business expense

Since you have even to legislate against a statutory or capital offense !

Since you have to know how to be the good penitence !

So am i searching for a defense ?

So, does it come with a hence or fence ?

No, since knowing how the become the good morality is also searching for
a good defense.

Thank you,
Amien Moulay Ramdane.
More explanation of my new poem in english..

Notice that in my just new poem in english below i am saying the following:

"I am like the beautiful Rome"

And i am not arrogant by saying so, since the constitution or
composition of a beautiful human or human is so sophisticated relatively
to the actual human capacity , since we can not construct a beautiful
human or human with the actual capacity of science and technology, so it
means that i can logically say in my just poem below that a human's
constitution is so sophisticated like a beautiful Rome, so it is why i
am saying in my just new poem below: "I am like the beautiful Rome", and
about my saying in my just new poem below the following:

"Since i am not alone at home
Since my home is also the i am living with a beautiful Ohm and Jerome
Since my home is also this beautiful diversity from the genome
Since are we not living in this beautiful and not random ?"

So since we are "surrounded" by this beautiful of Ohm and Jerome and
the other beautiful from the genome, so we can say that this beautiful
from the genome is our home too.

So reread my just new poem below so that to understand:

Notice that the name Ohm in my just new poem below is also the name of
German physicist who formulated Ohm's Law (1787-1854), and Jerome in my
just new poem below is also the name of one of the great fathers of the
early Christian Church whose major work was his translation of the
Scriptures from Hebrew and Greek into Latin (which became the Vulgate);
a saint and Doctor of the Church (347-420).

Here is my just new poem in english and read all my poems below:

I am like the beautiful Rome

Since i am beautifully surfing with Google Chrome

I am like the beautiful Rome

Since i am not alone at home

Since my home is also the i am living with a beautiful Ohm and Jerome

Since my home is also this beautiful diversity from the genome

Since are we not living in this beautiful and not random ?

I am like the beautiful Rome

And it is not just about the beautiful chromosome

Since we have not to be handicapped like with a parkinson's syndrome

So that to not live in a catacomb

So then we have to be perfection like of a sophisticated airdrome

It is why I am like the beautiful Rome !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is my new poem in french and read all my poems below:

Voici mon nouveau poème que je viens de penser et ecrire vite (et lire
mes autres poèmes ci-bas):

Je voudrais joliment m'approcher de toi

Même si ma langue n'est pas le suédois

Car n'est-ce pas que ma moralité voudrait être de l'adéquat ?

Comme je ne voudrais être devant toi en surpoids

Je voudrais joliment m'approcher de toi

Car je voudrais être le contrepoids

Comme un si joli Robin des bois

Je voudrais joliment m'approcher de toi

Car je ne suis pas l'ancien comme un poêle à bois

Mais je suis comme la beauté naturelle de la région de Charlevoix

Je voudrais joliment m'approcher de toi

Car comme tu constates, je ne suis point le hors-la-loi

Car comme tu constates, que mon language n'est pas du patois

Car comme tu constates, que mes poèmes sont jolis et bien courtois

C'est pourquoi je voudrais joliment m'approcher de toi

Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is my new poem in english:

This rhythm of my beautiful heart and soul

Is like the beautiful blues and the rock and roll

This rhythm of my beautiful heart and soul

It is like taking really care of the payroll

It is also like making it good laws for the arms control

And it is also like making the good rules for quality control

This rhythm of my beautiful heart and soul

It is like the good protection from the ozone hole

This rhythm of my beautiful heart and soul

Is like becoming the good self-confidence and self-control

This rhythm of my beautiful heart and soul

Hence read my following beautiful web link's philosophy not as a parole


Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is my new poem in french, and read all my poems below:

Voici mon nouveau poème que je viens de penser et ecrire vite (et lire
mes autres poèmes ci-bas):

Le temps n'est pas juste le printemps

Puisque c'est comme le fier Sinbad le bon combattant

Qui ne veut point s'agenouiller devant le Satan

Le temps n'est pas juste le printemps

Puisque c'est aussi le joli amour en de si beaux instants

Le temps n'est pas juste le printemps

Puisque le temps est comme un grand sultan

Puisque le temps est là pour durer infiniment

Puisque le temps se marie bien en espace-temps

Puisque le mariage est aussi nécessaire comme le soleil levant !

Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is new poem of Love in french, and read all my other poems below:

Voici mon nouveau poème d'amour que je viens de penser et ecrire vite,
et remarquez que la chanson de Rosalie dont je parle dans mon nouveau
poème ci-bas, c'est la chanson suivante, ecoutez-la ici:

Et le mot "maquis" dans mon poème c'est un lieu retiré où se
réunissaient les résistants à l'occupation allemande au cours de la
seconde guerre mondiale.

Alors voici mon nouveau poème d'amour:

Est-ce que la vie est comme un ami ?

Mais regarde comme ce n'est pas le désert d'Arabie !

Mais c'est sophistiqué comme la chanson de Rosalie !

Est-ce que la vie est comme un ami ?

Mais ne vois-tu pas que ce n'est pas le simple rabbi

Et te rappelles-tu aussi les jolies recontres à Ville-Marie ?

Puisque la vie nous vient même avec une sage et si jolie Nathalie

Est-ce que la vie est comme un ami ?

Mais oui, car mon si joli amour pour toi c'est comme de la suprématie !

Et comme tu remarques que mes jolis mots c'est comme la jolie pharmacie !

Est-ce que la vie est comme un ami ?

Mais devrais-je rejoindre mon maquis ?

Car mon maquis c'est mon joli amour pour toi pour toujours et à l'infini !

Alors comme tu vois que je n'ai pas dans la tête de la zizanie !

Amine Moulay Ramdane.


More of my philosophy about my other new poems and more of my thoughts..

I have just forgotten to post four of my new poems, and here they are,
read them below, and read all my other poems in english and french below:

Here is my new poem called: "This beautiful exponential progress is not
a distress"

I am speaking about the following exponential progress, and look the
following video that talks about it:

Exponential Progress: Can We Expect Mind-Blowing Changes In The Near Future

This exponential progress is even happening to capitalism,
read about it here:

Capitalism switches from linear to exponential growth


So i have just decided to think fast and to write fast my following
poem about this exponential progress, here it is:

This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress

Because it is a beautiful maturity but not the adolescence

This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress

And we have to beautifully tune it with the beautiful consensus

This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress

So let us not be just guesses but technicality and science

This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress

So let us be a beautiful expressiveness that is not helpless

This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress

So let us take together this beautiful breakfast

This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress

Since you are also like my so beautiful Princess

This beautiful exponential progress is not a distress

So let us be a beautiful presence for present and future acceptance

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
And here is my new poem in french:

Voici mon nouveau poême que j'ai pensé vite et ecrit vite
et lire mes autres poèmes ci-bas pour comprendre mon style:

Je t'aime sur ce joli vent

Puisque je suis aussi le bon vivant

Je t'aime sur ce joli vent

Puisque nous sommes comme ce joli soleil levant !

Je t'aime sur ce joli vent

Alors approche de moi sur ce joli divan

Puisque remarque aussi comme je suis l'innovant

Car avec ce joli poème je ne suis point le mort-vivant

Je t'aime sur ce joli vent

Car je suis de l'amour le bon fervent

Je t'aime sur ce joli vent

Car notre amour n'est pas tout simplement un survivant

Puisque notre amour c'est comme le remarquable savant !

Alors c'est pour cela que je t'aime et je t'aime sur ce joli vent !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
More of my philosophy about the english language and more..

As i have just said in my new poem below, that the english language
is easy, and here is more proof of it, read the following so
that to notice it:

Why is English Easy to Learn?


Here is my new poem:

English is not like the yiddish

Since english is so "easy" but not like the boyish

Since it is not a Darwinian language but a kind of embellish

And i say it with sincerity even if i am not the british

English is not like the yiddish

Since it permits to transcend and to accomplish

And not to stay lonely and as just a simple dervish

English is not like the yiddish

So i am the beautiful white arab and not the Turkish

And i am swimming using the beautiful english so that to not perish

And it is why English is not for me like the yiddish

And my beautiful way is not like smoking the hashish

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.


More of my philosophy of why the human is superman..

You want to know more why the human is a superman? so here is
an interesting video that proves that the human is a superman, look at
it carefully:

More of my philosophy about my new poem..

As you have just noticed, i have just written a new poem,
and as you notice i am saying the following in my new poem:

"The human is like a superman"

So you have to be smart since the pattern is that it means that with
collective intelligence the human has become really strong like a
superman, but i am showing, in my new poem, some of the good sides of
the human so that to not be pessimistic, so my poem is like optimistic,
so read it again carefully:

Here is my new poem:

The human is like a superman

Since he knows how to make it tasty using the cumin

The human is like a superman

Since he knows how to make it powerful machine like the Von Neumann

The human is like a superman

Since he knows how to make it charming like the actor Paul Newman

The human is like a superman

Since he knows how to be the erudite of like a president Harry S. Truman

The human is like a superman

Since he knows how to be an interesting gentleman !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.


Here is the explanation in french of my new poem of Love in french:

Et remarquez aussi que j'ai mis dans mon poème le mot "féconde" au
féminin pour plus faire plaisir aux femmes. Aussi je crois que je suis
intelligent et que mon poème est intelligent, cette version de mon poème
utilise le "puisque", non pas le "comme" comme dans la version finale,
puisque cela veut dire que cela aussi provient du "hasard" qui fait la
beauté et la sagesse et la bonté , comme "la jolie mer est ainsi
profonde" provient du hasard, alors comme vous constatez que même le
hasard fait bien les choses.

Alors relisez:

Voici mon nouveau poème d'amour en français(et lire mes autres poèmes

Here is my new poem of Love in french and read my other poems below:

La jolie mer est ainsi profonde

Comme la beauté de la si jolie Joconde

La jolie mer est ainsi profonde

Puisque tes si jolis yeux ne sont pas chez moi immondes

La jolie mer est ainsi profonde

Puisque ta bonté eloigne plus la misère du tiers-monde

La jolie mer est ainsi profonde

Puisque ton si joli parfum enjolive si bien notre monde

La jolie mer est ainsi profonde

Puisque ta jolie sagesse eloigne la guerre et ses hécatombes

La jolie mer est ainsi profonde

Puisque notre si bel amour est si féconde !

Amine Moulay Ramdane.
And i invite you to read many of my poems of Love in french here:


I want to share with you the following beautiful song with my poems of
Love and poems..

I want to share with you the following beautiful song of Cesária Evora:

Amor Di Mundo

And invite you to read all my following poems of Love and poems
that i have invented quickly:

Here is my new poem called: "I am walking this so beautiful desert"

I invite to listen to the following arabic music from Morocco
reading at the same time my poem below:

Music mandolin lamchaheb

Here is my new poem (and read all my poems below):

I am beautifully walking this so beautiful desert

Since notice how i am making it a beautiful concert

I am beautifully walking this so beautiful desert

Since my way is not the dirt or a simple flirt

I am beautifully walking this so beautiful desert

Since i am also for the good moral quest

I am beautifully walking this so beautiful desert

Since i am also not the evil or a pervert

I am beautifully walking this so beautiful desert

Since with my poems of Love i am like a delicious yoghurt

I am beautifully walking this so beautiful desert

Since i am the beautiful white arab that is loving you my sweatheart !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is my just new poem called: "I want to be silence so that to hear
your name of USA or Europe or France"

I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

As you know i am a white arab, and i invite you again to listen
to the following beautiful arabic music reading at the same time
my new poem below:

So here is my new poem that i have just thought fast and written fast:

I want to be silence so that to hear your name of USA or Europe or France

Since you are the beautiful that is getting me in a beautiful trance !

I want to be silence so that to hear your name of USA or Europe or France

Since we are also like the so beautiful dance of a beautiful circumstance

Since it is not about finance, but it is about the how to advance !

I want to be silence so that to hear your name of USA or Europe or France

So, is my kind of beautiful Love just a game of chance ?

Or is it just a belly dance that is not the beautiful romance ?

I want to be silence so that to hear your name of USA or Europe or France

So as you notice that my language of the heart is not just an at first
glance !

I want to be silence so that to hear your name of USA or Europe or France

So as you notice , am i the wanting just to be a break dance ?

No at all, since i am wanting to not just be small as an Ile-de-france

But i am wanting to be like a great and beautiful Kingdom of not just by
happy chance

And it is why I want to be silence so that to hear your name of USA or
Europe or France

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is my just new poem called: "What has made me so near of your so
beautiful chateau ?"

I invite you to listen to the following beautiful arabic Algerian music,
reading at the same time my just new poem of Love below:

What has made me so near of your so beautiful chateau ?

Since your chateau is not about the evil or the sorrow

What has made me so near of your so beautiful chateau ?

Since notice how i am wanting to make my poem beautiful for you like a pro !

What has made me so near of your so beautiful chateau ?

Hence i am noticing your beautiful chateau is not just a wine like the
Bordeaux !

Since it is the so beautiful rivers of our Love that beautifully flow

What has made me so near of your so beautiful chateau ?

Since it is my beautiful heart and not the perhaps or the although !

What has made me so near of your so beautiful chateau ?

Since it is the i am playing to you my Love with a beautiful banjo !

Since it is how i will always love you under the beautiful Sun or the
beautiful snow !

So as you notice that our great Love is not the simple goodbye or the
simple hello !

Since i am the beautiful white arab that is coming to you from the
beautiful Morocco !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.


Here is my other new poem..

I was just listening at the following beautiful Flamenco music:

So i have just decided to think fast and write fast a poem about it ,
here it is(and read all my poems of Love and poems below):

Listen to this beautiful Flamenco music

It is calling to love like between Juliet and Romeo

Listen to this beautiful Flamenco music

It is telling us to not be the killing of the Siege of Sarajevo !

Listen to this beautiful Flamenco music

It is also the exactitude of a beautiful tempo

Listen to this beautiful Flamenco music

Since it is neither the wild Rodeo nor an evil fight of Taekwondo

Listen to this beautiful Flamenco music

Since it is neither the simple potato nor the simple tomato

Listen to this beautiful Flamenco music

It is like as great as a beautiful King's reign of long ago !

Listen to this beautiful Flamenco music

Since it also comes from a beautiful recording studio

Listen to this beautiful Flamenco music

Since it is like a much better place than the prison of guantanamo

Listen to this beautiful Flamenco music

Since it remembers us that our manifesto is beautiful love and not the
bordello !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
I think i am smart and i look like my poems of Love, and i am thinking
them fast and inventing them fast, so read all my poems of Love and my
poems below, and I will invite you to listen to this beautiful song of
Elton John called Song For Guy, reading at the same time my new poem of
Love below (because it is better):

Here is my poem of Love:

It is a beautiful day my beautiful lover !

Since our love is the beautiful and right answer !

It is a beautiful day my beautiful lover !

Since it is the start of our future full of the beautiful flowers

It is a beautiful day my beautiful lover !

Since our love is strong like a beautiful Bodybuilder !

It is a beautiful day my beautiful lover !

Since our love is like necessity like Water !

It is a beautiful day my beautiful lover !

Since the light of love is gushing from our souls like a geyser !

It is a beautiful day my beautiful lover !

Since our love really care like the beautiful nursers !

It is a beautiful day my beautiful lover !

Since our love is our beautiful shelter !

It is a beautiful day my beautiful lover !

Since our love is like a beautiful civilizer !

It is a beautiful day my beautiful lover !

So is our love like a beautiful perfection without rupture !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song from Algeria
reading at the same time my new poem of Love below and my other poems below:

Ya El Ghalet

Here is my new poem of Love:

I am taking a look at your so beautiful face !

Since is it the i am looking at my beautiful soul in the mirror of a
polished glass ?

But look at how my beautiful Love for you is not the arms race !

I am taking a look at your so beautiful face !

So is the between me and you is there the any space ?

Or is the my subject is just about the monotheistic that you embrace ?

Or is it that i am from a beautiful human race ?

I am taking a look at your so beautiful face !

So have i to talk to you more about the my beautiful birthplace ?

So what is it the my strong beautiful base ?

So look again at how my beautiful Love is like the Amazing grace !

So it is I am taking a look at your so beautiful face !

So it is like my forever beautiful Love for you that i will never erase !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Notice in my following poem of Love that the my being really a gay of my
poem of Love is the fact that being really Gay is not just being an
homosexual or bisexual or such, since i think the definition of being
gay is also being in a Gay mood and it means being happily excited or
being Merry and being Merry means being full of gaiety or being a high
spirit or being Mirthful and being Mirthful means being gladness or
being gaiety, so i am this kind of being Gay of being gaiety and
gladness and it is genetical in me, this is why i am writing poems of
Love, so i think that being my kind of being really a Gay is also being
psychologically or mentally "Strong" in front of adversity or continued
difficulty or misfortune.

And so that to know more about how i am really Gay

Here is my new poem of Love:

I am really the beautiful gay !

Since i am from you my beautiful not the "too" far away

I am really the beautiful gay !

Since it is about the my kind of Love that is a beautiful way

I am really the beautiful gay !

Since i am like the sunshine's so beautiful ray !

I am really the beautiful gay !

Since my big and beautiful Love for you doesn't want to decay

I am really the beautiful gay !

And my way is the to my beautiful Love that i want to obey

I am really the beautiful gay !

So is my big and beautiful Love for you just an essay ?

No, since my Love for you is like a God that i want to always pray !

And it is the how i am really the beautiful gay !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
More of my philosophy about my new poem of Love and more..

And now i will explain how i am inventing my new poem of Love:

Here is my new poem of Love again:
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since notice how our strong Love is not the war crime !
Since it is like my poems of Love and there lovely rhymes !
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since is our beautiful Love just for the onetime ?
Since is it not our love like the beautiful springtime
And is not the beautiful springtime like the sublime
And is not the sublime of Love like strongly defying space-time ?
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since i will always Love you forever and for the anytime !
Since our Love is not just a simple programming paradigm !
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since our strong Love is a King like the King that we call "time" !!
I think i am smart and i am a gentleman type of person and i think
i am a wise type of person and the way of how i am inventing
my new poem of Love is the same way i am using so that
to invent my poems of Love, so it is that i am inventing with my fluid
intelligence like architectural idea or ideas in a form of smart pattern
or patterns that guide(s) the rest of the construction of my poem of
Love, so in my poem of Love above, look at its following architectural idea:

"Since is it not our love like the beautiful springtime
And is not the beautiful springtime like the sublime
And is not the sublime of Love like strongly defying space-time ?
Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?"

So i am "abstracting" sublime of Love as being a "sublime" and i am
saying that the sublime of Love permits to strongly defy space-time,
and notice how i am saying in the start of my poem of Love the following:

"Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?"

So notice that in the start of my poem of Love you will not understand
clearly the why i am saying it, but when you read my above architectural
idea and when you also read the following of my poem:

"Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?
Since our strong Love is a King like the King that we call "time" !!"

You will understand that i mean that the sublime of Love
is "King" like the King of time that defies space-time ,
so then this sublime of Love is not just for the onetime but it is for
the forever and for the anytime and of course i am constructing
beautifully the rest of my poem of Love as you are reading it.

Here is my new poem of Love..

I invite you to listen to the following song reading at
the same time my new poem of Love below:

Laura Pausini - La Solitudine (Official Video)

Note that the word "sublime" in my new poem of Love below means:
extremely good, beautiful, or enjoyable.

And here is my new poem of Love:

Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?

Since notice how our strong Love is not the war crime !

Since it is like my poems of Love and there lovely rhymes !

Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?

Since is our beautiful Love just for the onetime ?

Since is it not our love like the beautiful springtime

And is not the beautiful springtime like the sublime

And is not the sublime of Love like strongly defying space-time ?

Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?

Since i will always Love you forever and for the anytime !

Since our Love is not just a simple programming paradigm !

Time flows and is it just for part-time or for longtime ?

Since our strong Love is a King like the King that we call "time" !!

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.


More of my philosophy about my poem and more..

I have just invented a poem and it is like an IQ test,
since it contains some more smart patterns that you have to detect
or find and understand even if it looks like a simple poem, and here is
my poems:
I "need" it a "so" beautiful coffee !
So is it not a basis of a philosophy ?
I need it a so beautiful coffee !
And is it not like the i need it with a cup of a beautiful Sophie ?
I need it a so beautiful coffee !
Since does it not look like you want to win it with the big trophy ?
I need it a so beautiful coffee !
So is it not the basis of the beautiful poetry ?
I need it a so beautiful coffee !
Since does it not look like the french multinational Sanofi ?
I need it a so beautiful coffee !
And does it engenders a human life that is rosy ?
I need it a so beautiful coffee !
So then you have to know how to "control" it with the beautiful wise and
healthy !
So this poem of mine shows the basis of philosophy that is
there is the first bad way that is: I "need" it a "so" beautiful coffee
! (and it is also symbolic) that means you need it good for you and that
good for you is bad for the society of your country, since i am also
saying in my poem above the following:

"And is it not like the i need it with a cup of a beautiful Sophie ?"

I mean that there is some bad guys (and there is also bad women) that
look at women like a beautiful Sophie as a cup of coffee(and it is a
symbolic), that means symbolically like a disposable product that they
use for sex without treating them correctly and this hurts the country,
and in the rest of my poem i am talking about those two ways of doing,
the good one and the bad one, and the: I "need" it a "so" beautiful
coffee !, can be the bad or good, this is why i am saying in the end of
my poem:

I need it a so beautiful coffee !
So then you have to know how to "control" it with the beautiful wise and
healthy !

Here is my just new poem:

I "need" it a "so" beautiful coffee !

So is it not a basis of a philosophy ?

I need it a so beautiful coffee !

And is it not like the i need it with a cup of a beautiful Sophie ?

I need it a so beautiful coffee !

Since does it not look like you want to win it with the big trophy ?

I need it a so beautiful coffee !

So is it not the basis of the beautiful poetry ?

I need it a so beautiful coffee !

Since does it not look like the french multinational Sanofi ?

I need it a so beautiful coffee !

And does it engenders a human life that is rosy ?

I need it a so beautiful coffee !

So then you have to know how to "control" it with the beautiful wise and
healthy !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is my new poem of Love called "Do you look at this beautiful rain ?"

I invite you to listen to the following song of Aaron Neville called
"It Feels Like Rain" reading at the same time my new poem of Love below:

Here is my just new poem of Love:

Do you look at this so beautiful rain ?

And since who have i to blame ?

Do you look at this so beautiful rain ?

Since is it the something beautiful in my brain ?

Do you look at this so beautiful rain ?

So am i still the "foreign" with my kind of beautiful poem ?

Do you look at this so beautiful rain ?

So am i coming from nowhere or from Morocco or from Spain ?

And from my beautiful Love have i to abstain ?

Since is my beautiful Love the being humane or do i have to explain ?

Do you look at this so beautiful rain ?

So i ask: What is that the wise man, like me, has to maintain ?

So notice how i am saying it in my philosophy again and again !

Do you look at this so beautiful rain ?

So am i a Saddam Hussein or a beautiful political compaign ?

Or am i the wanting to be like the sophisticated airplane ?

Do you look at this so beautiful rain ?

Since it is like i am with my beautiful Love being a so beautiful rain !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
More of my my philosophy about one of my beautiful poems of Love and more..

And I was just listening at the following song of Aaron Neville -La Vie

And i have just decided to explain more my following poem of Love below:

So when i am saying in my poem of Love below the following:

"But our love is consciousness of being truly rich"

Is it that this love is "only" consciousness of being truly rich ?

No, it isn't, because you have to place it in the "context" of "all" my
poem of Love below, because as you are noticing, in my poem of Love,
that i am also "enumerating" the characteristics of Love of my poem of
Love below, so here is my new poem of Love:

I don't know much

But i am with your love getting in touch

I don't know much

But your love is not a judge

I don't know much

But like one we are like a so beautiful bridge

I don't know much

But our love is consciousness of being truly rich

I don't know much

But beauty is our forever niche

I don't know much

But our love is like love that forever enrich

I don't know much

So don't ask me why or which

I don't know much

But our love is perfection without a glitch !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
More of my philosophy about marriage and more..

I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

I think my poem of Love below about marriage makes you notice the
why we have to be a beautiful Love, since i think that stability
of marriage needs Love, so this way of too much sexualizing our
modern Era or our world is counter-productive , since it makes us hate
more and more humans, since this "high" performance kind of doing like
in sex and capitalism makes us more and more "agressive", so it
makes us hate women and hate humans and hate our world, so this is why
we have to be wise and smart, and this is why i am writing about
my thoughts of my philosophy and this is why i am inventing poems of
Love so that to make people less agressive and so that to bring more and
more Love:

Here is my new poem of Love:

Do i want to marry with the rich ?

Since do i have to ask the why or wich ?

Do i want to marry with the rich ?

Since do i need it like beautiful without a glitch ?

Do i want to marry with the rich

Since i also know the beautiful Diamond from a simple switch

Do i want to marry with the rich ?

So look how my poems of Love are here to enrish !

Do i want to marry with the rich ?

So then when you enrich with the beautiful Love

It is also the way to marry the beautiful and rich !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is my just new poem of Love:

Look at this so beautiful Mediterranean beach

It is like my beautiful Love that is part of my speech

Look at this so beautiful Mediterranean beach

It is your beautiful soul is like the delicious peach

Look at this so beautiful Mediterranean beach

Since i am not here so that to curse or to impeach

Look at this so beautiful Mediterranean beach

Since my words of Love are like free from any breach

Look at this so beautiful Mediterranean beach

Since my beautiful heart is with Love here so that to teach

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is my other new poem of Love:

I am looking at your beautiful eyes

It is like i am looking at the beautiful sunrise !

I am looking at your beautiful eyes

Since it is my love for you that is not evil in disguise

I am looking at your beautiful eyes

Since it is as i am coming with the beautiful surprise

Since my beautiful heart doesn't want to Balkanize

But it wants to beautifully "civilize"

I am looking at your beautiful eyes

And it is as with my poems of Love i want to romanticize !

I am looking at your beautiful eyes

So, does my beautiful heart has any price ?

Since notice how i am the beautiful humanize so that to immunize !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is my new poem and read my other new poems below:

Am i another super freak ?

No, since i know with my poems of Love how to be the romantic !

Am i another super freak ?

No, since i know with my poems of Love how to be chic !

Am i another super freak ?

So am i the Arab sheikh or the antique ?

Since look how my boutique is like the beautiful landscape of Caribbean

Am i another super freak ?

Since am i the beautiful physique or the beautiful and smart technique ?

Am i another super freak ?

So look again how i am not the islamic

But it is that i want to attain the high and beautiful mountain peak

So then look again how i am the beautiful and smart technique.

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.


More about my just other new poem..

I invite you to listen to the following beautiful arabic music from
algeria reading at the same time my following just new poem of Love:

Here is my just other new poem:

Why am i not having enough of the beautiful romantic ?

Since it is like a good balance that knows about the biologic

Since can we like standardize and be the optimistic ?

Since do we have to through away the beautiful classic ?

So i will ask the is the Sauvage by Dior new perfume superior to
a scent of Amber from the old arabic ?

No at all ! since the beautiful is not the archaic

And not at all ! since even the being romantic has not to become
the archaic

Since an old beautiful music is still a beautiful music

So then the beautiful of the celtic is like the beautiful of the arabic

So then are you understanding why i am not having enough of the
beautiful romantic ?

So am i being the aristocratic or the antagonistic ?

Since the becoming beautiful is not the civilization of the schizophrenic

Since the becoming beautiful needs a kind of being meritocratic

Since the becoming beautiful needs also my beautiful poetic

So then are you understanding why i am not having enough of this
beautiful romantic ?

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is my just new poem of Love..

I invite you to listen to the following arabic music reading
at the same time my following just new poem of Love:


Here is my just new poem of Love:

Are you the far away or near from my beautiful heart ?

Since my Love for you is not the simple pleasure à la carte

Are you the far away or near from my beautiful heart ?

Since are you not looking at my sincere beautiful art

Are you the far away or near from my beautiful heart ?

Since is my Love an abstract art or the state-of-the-art ?

So look carefully at how i have a little bit of Humphrey Bogart !

Since our strong Love and both of us will never come apart !

Are you the far away or near from my beautiful heart ?

Since is my Love for you needing more of this mathematics of René
Descartes ?

No, since my Love for you is coming strongly as a Napoleon Bonaparte

Are you the far away or near from my beautiful heart ?

Since are you not understanding my words of Love my sweetheart ?

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is my new poem:

Why am i the beautiful Look ?

Since we have even to organize it as a beautiful e-book

Why am i the beautiful Look ?

Since it is like knowing to beautifully cook

Why am i the beautiful Look ?

It is like a beautiful highway that we just took

Why am i the beautiful Look ?

It is as we want to be beautiful legislation of a statute book

Why am i the beautiful Look ?

It is as i am talking to my beautiful Love using Facebook

Why am i the beautiful Look ?

It is as i am organizing my poems as a beautiful chapbook

Why am i the beautiful Look ?

Since we can not make it precise without a beautiful handbook !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
More explanation of my new poem of Love..

I think i am smart, and i will explain my second architectural idea
of my poem of Love, and it is that look carefully at how i am saying:

"So wich insight do we need and wich hindsight and foresight ?
It is the look carefully at this beautiful light !
Since it also needs the beautiful night !"

So you have to read it symbolically, since in poem of Love you can also
use "symbolism", and it is in my new poem of Love that beautiful light
is also composed of the beautiful night, and it symbolically means that
in our way of learning we have also to learn from our mistakes
and problems, such as learning from the mistakes or problems of
world war II, so the light can not come just from the good things,
since the symbolic in my poem is that the beautiful light is also the
the beautiful night that permits us to learn correctly,
this is why you are noticing that i am saying the "It also needs the
beautiful night !"

More of my philosophy about my poems of Love..

I think i am an artist, since i can invent poems of Love quickly,
but i have never learned how to write poems of Love, so i have
discovered that i am an artist, so i will explain how i can
invent quickly poems of Love:

First i need to invent some architectural idea or some architectural
ideas that guide(s) the construction of my poem of Love, for example in
my new below poem of Love, i have just started from architectural ideas,
and it is that i have to speak in my new poem of Love about "the
beautiful light", so i am repeating the sentence of "Look at this
beautiful light !" and of course i am composing it with rhymes all along
my poems of Love, also the other architectural ideas, is that i have
just composed quickly the following part of my poem with my brain that
gives a much more sophisticated quality and meaning to my poem of Love:

"So wich insight do we need and wich hindsight and foresight ?
It is the look carefully at this beautiful light !
Since it also needs the beautiful night !
So do you need my Love as only a simple byte or as an infinite delight
Since look at how i am writing you my poems of Love as an erudite
And i am coming as a beautiful candlelight so that to unite !"

So my way of constructing poems of Love, is also finding the
architectural idea or ideas that guide(s) the construction of my poem of
Love and that gives a much sophisticated quality and meaning to my poem
of Love, and the other parts of my poem of Love must be "beautiful" so
that to make my poem of Love a beautiful poem of Love. So read again my
poem of Love since i have just enhanced it much more:

Here is my new poem..

I invite you to listen to this song of the algerian singer Cheb Hasni
reading at the same time my new poem of Love below:

Here is my new poem:

Look at this beautiful light !

Since it does not need any fight

Since as you notice i am not asking here for any rights

Since you are my beautiful Love and i am the beautiful white

So look at this beautiful light !

Since my beautiful Love is not the evil war or the evil gunfight

So wich insight do we need and wich hindsight and foresight ?

It is the look carefully at this beautiful light !

Since it also needs the beautiful night !

So do you need my Love as only a simple byte or as an infinite delight

Since look at how i am writing you my poems of Love as an erudite

And i am coming as a beautiful candlelight so that to unite !

Since i am not a Canaanite or Israelite

But look again at how i am coming to you as a beautiful light !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
And here is my new poem:

Give me this beautiful and so smart idea

Since it is how they have built south Korea

Give me this beautiful and so smart idea

Since it is how we unite the people such as of Crimea

Give me this beautiful and so smart idea

Since it is not just a pizza from the pizzeria

Give me this beautiful and so smart idea

Since it is not the simple prayer of Ave Maria

Give me this beautiful and so smart idea

Since it is not the stupid war between the sunnite and shiah

Give me this beautiful and so smart idea

Since it is how we make north Korea look like a beautiful Canada

So give me more of those beautiful and so smart ideas !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
And here is my new poem:

I hear this so beautiful music

And it is like the so beautifully exotic

And it is like the being the monotheistic

Since is not the so beautiful royalistic or majestic ?

Since is not the so beautiful like the idealistic ?

And is not the so beautiful bringing the moralistic ?

And is not the so beautiful bringing the xenophobic ?

So is the so beautiful of the too materialistic ?

And what about the so beautifully romantic ?

And i think all of them needs the good strategic

So then you have to avoid to be the too simplistic !

Since you are even hearing this so beautiful music !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
More of my philosophy about self-control and self-confidence and more..

I think i am "smart", and i will now explain my following poem
about self-control and self-confidence, so i invite you to read
it carefully:

"Is my beautiful celebration needing causation ?
So i will ask not without wisdom and education
What kind of causation needs my kind of civilization ?
So i will ask, what is it that needs our civilization ?
It is the human self-control so that to be in the right location
So i will ask is human "self-control" needing causation ?
Since is self-control coming just from a brain internal situation ?
No, since we have also to define what is "success" that causes "admiration"
So is success only having big money as the ultimate adoration ?
No, since human self-control comes from knowing how to be a beautiful
So what is it to be a beautiful realization ?
It is an adaptation that not only comes from big money but from
creativity and creation
And notice that the beautiful creativity does not only comes from
science and technology and such divination
Since notice how creativity of my poems and poems of Love are not just
But they are also like the right human sensibility of my beautiful
intellectual elevation"

So notice in my poem above how i am saying in my poem the following:

"Since is self-control coming just from a brain internal situation ?
No, since we have also to define what is "success" that causes "admiration"
So is success only having big money as the ultimate adoration ?
No, since human self-control comes from knowing how to be a beautiful

So my poem above is like philosophy, since i am a philosopher, so notice
how my poem above says that self-control doesn't come "just" from a
brain internal situation like in "Buddhism ", since i think that
Buddhism is not right, since i am saying that self-control comes from a
beautiful "realization", so now you have to be smart since my poem wants
to say that there is two ways of measuring from where comes self-control
and self-confidence, we can measure it like relatively or like
absolutely, so it is by logical analogy like Absurdism of the french
philosopher Albert Camus, since i think that Albert Camus was measuring
it like absolutely by looking globally at our Universe including earth
and the human living conditions and he was saying in his philosophy that
human existence is absurd , but i am a philosopher that is not in
accordance with Albert Camus, since the pleasure can be a powerful
"drug" that makes us not be too preoccupied by absurdity of human
existence, so this is why my above poem is smart, since this powerful
drug can be a beautiful realization that has a much powerful weight of
importance and that causes that we become self-confidence and
self-control, so then i can ask the wich precedes , the self-confidence
that comes from human nature and human genetics or from the human
cultural side and such? i think i am a philosopher and i say that if you
say that it comes from genetics so it is like a failure, since the
measuring like absolutely of from where comes self-confidence and
self-control makes us understand that we need a kind of powerful drug
in form of pleasures of human life in form of a beautiful realization
that can be in form of a beautiful creativity and beautiful creation as
says it my poem above, so then i think that the best way so that to
become individual self-confidence and individual self-control is to be
the beautiful creativity that makes the self-confidence and
self-control, so you have to know how to be this beautiful creativity,
since this beautiful creativity is also a powerful drug that that makes
us not be too preoccupied by absurdity of human existence of the
philosopher Albert Camus.

More of my philosophy about one of my poems about Love...

I think i am smart, and as you have just noticed i have just
invented quickly my following poem about Love, and i will
explain it more, so here is my new poem about Love and read below
my explanation of it:

"Love is "like" a paradox
Since we can Love by going out of the black box
Love is "like" a paradox
Since there is Love without understanding the jukebox
So is it like a mailbox ?
Since so that to understand the jukebox
You have to go outside the black box
But going outside the black box
Has the "tendency" to make you reason like the responsable Hawks
So Love is "like" a paradox
And do we have to be the sophisticated orthodox ?
So then what is it to be the sophisticated orthodox ?
I think it looks like the beautiful and smart movies of Alfred Hitchcock
Since look at me how i am like an autumnal beautiful equinox !
So what is the beautiful autumnal equinox ?
It is the beautiful "balance" that makes the "reliable" like the rocks"

So as you are noticing i am saying:

"Since so that to understand the jukebox
You have to go outside the black box
But going outside the black box
Has the "tendency" to make you reason like the responsable Hawks"

This "going outside the black box" is symbolically going from
darkness to lightness, and i mean by it the learning effectively
that permits us to understand the world, so when we learn effectively
it is like going from darkness that is the black box to lightness that
is outside the black box that is also being in contact with the light of
the Sun that permits us to see the things clearly.

And i am also saying in my above poem the following

"Since look at me how i am like an autumnal beautiful equinox !
So what is the beautiful autumnal equinox ?
It is the beautiful "balance" that makes the "reliable" like the rocks""

Since the autumnal beautiful equinox, is when the Earth is in beautiful
"balance", evenly split between day and night, north and south, warm and
cold. Equal day, equal night and it is also a beautiful period of the year.

Note also that i mean in my new poem above that responsable "hawks" are
the ones that also believe in using force and violence to achieve
something responsable and i mean by orthodox in my new poem above the
beliefs, methods, or systems which are accepted or used by most people.

And here is my other just new beautiful poem..

Here is my new beautiful poem:

Is my beautiful celebration needing causation ?

So i will ask not without wisdom and education

What kind of causation needs my kind of civilization ?

So i will ask, what is it that needs our civilization ?

It is the human self-control so that to be in the right location

So i will ask is human "self-control" needing causation ?

Since is self-control coming just from a brain internal situation ?

No, since we have also to define what is "success" that causes "admiration"

So is success only having big money as the ultimate adoration ?

No, since human self-control comes from knowing how to be a beautiful

So what is it to be a beautiful realization ?

It is an adaptation that not only comes from big money but from
creativity and creation

And notice that the beautiful creativity does not only comes from
science and technology and such divination

Since notice how creativity of my poems and poems of Love are not just

But they are also like the right human sensibility of my beautiful
intellectual elevation

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.


Here is my new poem of Love..

I think i am also an artist that can invent poems of Love quickly,
and i look like my poems of Love, so read them below, and i am a
gentleman type of person, so i invite you to read my new poem of Love
below that i have just invented quickly, and i invite you to read all
poems of Love below listening at the same time at the following song:

Marc Anthony - Flor Pálida

Note that in my poem of Love below the "mi amor" in spanish means in
english: "My Love"

Here is my new poem of Love:

Love is i want to be forever with you mi amor !

Since my Love is not the war but it is a beautiful ardor !

Love is i want to be forever with you mi amor !

Since it is my beautiful heart that is big as a dinosaur

Love is i want to be forever with you mi amor !

And is my beautiful heart a beautiful Singapore or San Salvador ?

No, since look how my poems of Love are also like the diplomatic corps

Love is i want to be forever with you mi amor !

And are my poems of Love the Ecuador or a folklore ?

No, since look how my poems of Love are like the beautiful mentor

Love is i want to be forever with you mi amor !

Since my beautiful heart is coming to you like a beautiful conquistador !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.


Here is my just new poem that i have just invented quickly..

I invite you to listen to the following music of Jean-Michel Jarre
by reading my just new poem below, and notice that this beautiful music
of Jean-Michel Jarre is called "équinoxe", and équinoxe in french means
equinox in english, and notice how i am saying in my following new poem
that i am like an "autumnal beautiful equinox", so here is the music
of Jean-Michel Jarre:

Jean-Michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 5 (Official Music Video)

Note also that i mean in my new poem below that responsable "hawks" are
the ones that also believe in using force and violence to achieve
something responsable and i mean by orthodox in my new poem below the
beliefs, methods, or systems which are accepted or used by most people.

Here is my new poem:

Love is "like" a paradox

Since we can Love by going out of the black box

Love is "like" a paradox

Since there is Love without understanding the jukebox

So is it like a mailbox ?

Since so that to understand the jukebox

You have to go outside the black box

But going outside the black box

Has the "tendency" to make you reason like the responsable Hawks

So Love is "like" a paradox

And do we have to be the sophisticated orthodox ?

So then what is it to be the sophisticated orthodox ?

I think it looks like the beautiful and smart movies of Alfred Hitchcock

Since look at me how i am like an autumnal beautiful equinox !

So what is the beautiful autumnal equinox ?

It is the beautiful "balance" that makes the "reliable" like the rocks

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Here is my other just new proverb..

As you are noticing i have just invented a proverb, read it below,
and here is my just new other proverb that looks like my proverb below:

"Dignity also comes from the fact that you have in your relations
with humans to know how to abstract the bad things, since when you are
too realistic you risk to render human life ugly, so if for example we
talk too much about the bad things such as violence etc. of Africa or
such, we Risk to render our human lives too much violent and/or ugly, so
you have to know how to minimize at best those bad things or bad talking
etc. so that to make our world a much more beautiful world."

So this new proverb of mine is by logical analogy like my below smart
proverb about poetry of Love:

Here is my new proverb..

I think i am also a philosopher and i think i am also an artist that
invent poems of Love, and i can also invent quickly proverbs, and i have
invented many proverbs that i have posted here, so here is my new
proverb about poetry of Love:

"A poem of Love can be so beautiful if it abstracts well Love with
a kind of innocence, since i think that a poem of Love that is too
realistic is not so beautiful."

So if you understand my above proverb you will understand why i have
just invented a beautiful poem of Love that i think abstracts Love with
a kind of innocence, so here it is and read it again carefully:

I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song
reading at the same time my new poem of Love below that i have
just written and my other poems of Love below:

Here is my new poem of Love:

My baby, my time beautifully goes

As i am walking with my beautiful shoes

My baby, my time beautifully goes

Since it is to you that i am playing my blues

My baby, my time beautifully goes

Since my blues is i am coming to you with my poem's beautiful views

My baby, my time beautifully goes

Since it is you that i want to choose

My baby, my time beautifully goes

Since notice how my poem's words are not at all the abuse

My baby, my time beautifully goes

Since my heart is not here to confuse but it wants to beautifully diffuse

My baby, my time beautifully goes

Since i am also with my poem of Love making the beautiful tattoos

So I am offering you my beautiful heart with a so beautiful blues

Since you are the beautiful one that i want to forever choose

I am offering you my beautiful heart with a so beautiful blues

Since my Love for you is like a beautiful ocean trip that we call a "cruise"

I am offering you my beautiful heart with a so beautiful blues

Since our Love is like the so beautiful breakthroughs and not of the gurus

I am offering you my beautiful heart with a so beautiful blues

So as you notice i am not of the bamboos or of the kangaroos

But my so beautiful Love is coming to you with the beautiful news !

I am offering you my beautiful heart with a so beautiful blues

But my so beautiful Love for you is not of the taboos !

So is my beautiful Love needing anymore interviews ?

No, since I am offering you my beautiful heart with a so beautiful blues !

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
And you can read carefully here all my beautiful poems of of Love that i
have invented quickly so that to notice how i am doing it:


Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Härra Ramob
2022-05-08 11:47:04 UTC

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